You Lost Her - Part 6

Start from the beginning

"I'm leaving tonight, and none of you can stop me."

"I'm afraid we have to." Sayuri had retrieved a needle from a cabinet next to my bed.

"No way." I spat, edging across the small bed, barely large enough for my frame.

She jumped forward suddenly, jabbing the needle into my arm and pushing down the end, injecting the fluid into my system.

"I'll get you back." I slurred, eyelids growing heavy.

"It's for your own good." Lottie whimpered.

The storm outside rumbled on, a sudden strike of lightning illuminating the room.

You lost her.


Julius leaves you in the room, untying your wrists and slamming the door shut. The click of a lock follows.

You groan, slumping onto the frail wooden chair in the middle of the room, the only furniture there.

You feel someone watching you and turn to face the mirror, waving at it happily. Annoying them isn't the best plan, but you want to seem uncaring, powerful, better than them. They'll eventually give up on you when no one comes, and only fate will tell what happens next.

Half an hour of crippling boredom later, the click of the door sounds again and in walks a tall, muscular woman. Just her appearance is intimidating, making your average figure seem small and weak.

Another person follows her into the room, Julius. He closes the door aggressively, scanning your expressionless face with his single eye.

You hide your nerves with a confident comment. "Got some questions?"

The muscular woman squints with her piercing grey eyes, and your distaste for her has already set into your mind.

There's a long pause, the silence seeming so loud.

"Hello?" You cross your ankles, flitting your eyes between the two of them. But they still stay silent.

"I'm trained in combat you know...I bet both of you are, seeing as you're part of the 'great' Leviathan."

Julius nods his head, a strand of dirty blonde hair falling out of place as he does so.

"Sorry about your eye Julius," you start with a smirk, "had to be done seeing as you beat the crap out of Jamie."

"Your partizan should've been better." Julius growls, stepping forward and leaning down to your level, he's so close you can smell his cologne.

"He was better...than you."

Julius grunts and pulls away shaking his head, directing his vision to the floor.

"Your smart-ass obviously won't answer our questions the first time," Grey eyes speaks, "but you will."

They begin to head to the door, but you stop them, "You haven't asked me any questions."

Grey eyes chuckles evilly. "Answer this one to start, who the hell are you?"

They don't give you time to answer and leave, which you think is pretty stupid because even if you don't have an answer they wouldn't have known that. The Leviathan have a strange way of doing things. But then again it's worked so far.

The door slams shut and you're once again alone, the feelings come creeping back, there's no distractions anymore, you've managed to keep them away up to this point. But they were never going to disappear.

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