Sam: Well, I'm outside your apartment so I'll give you a ride

I look outside to see Sam.

"You son of a bitch" I say to myself. I grab my bag and run outside. I give Sam a high five and I get in the drivers seat.

"I'm driving." Sam says

"Yeah, no." I say

"Move" Sam says

"I'll drive without you." I say

"It's my car"

"I don't care" Sam gets in the front seat. I start driving

"So you pick up Morgan from school?" Sam asks

"Yeah, I started talking to Pepper more and she needed help with Morgan so here I am. It's also fun seeing the other little kids react to Agent America picking up Morgan Stark." I say

"The kids must freak out." Sam says

"Yeah, here." I say giving him a pair of sunglasses

"I don't need sunglasses" Sam says

"We're gonna be the cool aunt and uncle going in. Put the damn sunglasses on." I say

"Is that a Gucci bag?" Sam asks

"Fake Gucci, Sam. Fake. I'm broke, you think I can afford Gucci? I'm barely affording therapy." I say. I park the car.

"It's 80 degrees out, why are you putting on a leather jacket?" Sam asks

"I'm making an entrance." I say putting on lipstick

"This is an elementary school." Sam says

"I'm the cool aunt, Sam. This is what I do." I say getting out of the car. Sam and I walk into the elementary school to pick up Morgan.

"Sarah!" Morgan yells running to give me a hug. I pick her up and hug her. The little kids are looking at me like Barney the dinosaur came into room.

"Hi Sam." Morgan says. Sam smiles. We walk back to the car and we get in. I start driving

"So, how was school?" I ask Morgan

"Good, I got an 100 on my test." Morgan says

"Amazing." I say

"What is Sam doing here?" Morgan asks

"Well, I have to go on a trip with Sam. I won't be picking you up for a while." I say

"Aww, I like when you pick me up. It's fun" Morgan says

"I know, it's fun for me too but I have to do this." I say


After I dropped Morgan off, I told Pepper that I'll be gone for a while. It went well, she loves me like a daughter.

"We have to go after these Flag Smashers." Sam says while he drives

"Terrible name." I say

"I know right. They leave their logos in random places. Before this mission though I have to deal with my family's business. If you want to help, take care of my nephews." Sam says

"Ok, that's easy. But I you can just pick me up after. I can maybe try to get Bucky to join." I say

"Fine, just don't ignore my calls" Sam says

"I never ignore your calls." I say getting out of the car

"Bullshit." Sam says

"That's Bucky who does that, I don't. He still hasn't answered my calls. I'm gonna try to stop at his apartment." I say

"How did you find his apartment?" Sam asks

"The government made me like his "supervisor" which I'm doing a horrible job at it." I say

"Alright, see ya." Sam says driving away


I'm on my couch researching these "Flag Smashers". They are very suspicious. My phone starts buzzing and I look to see who it is. Bucky? I answer

"Turn on the fucking tv." Bucky says

"Well, hello to you too. I haven't talked to you since the funeral" I say

"Turn on the god damn tv!" Bucky says

"Alright, jeez. What channel?" I ask

"Channel 4." Bucky says.

I turn on the tv to channel 4

"Give it up for your new Captain America!" The guy says on the tv. My blood is boiling.

The government has dad's shield


The long awaited sequel. This might take a while to write since I'm going by TFATWS plot but I wanted to release the first chapter to show you how Sarah is dealing with Steve leaving.

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