chapter 2

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Paul's P.O.V

"I d-don't know what I'm going to do" I sobbed. John's cat Tim was snuggled next to me as I sobbed my heart out into John's shoulder. "shhh Paulie, Pete was an asshole, he doesn't deserve you" John soothed, it didn't help much though. and John understood that he just kept rubbing my shoulder and told me it was going to be ok.

after I had calmed down a bit, John gave Stuart the 'go get this boy some Ice cream look', Stuart nodded and left the room. "I have something for you" John said going over to his book shelf. and pulling a book out towards the end of the shelf. tears were still streaming down my face but not as bad now.

"my mom gave this book to me when I thought Stuart had gotten me pregnant, it only has a zillion names in it so I think it will help" John said placing the book in my lap. "thanks John, it means a lot to me" I smiled a little.

"Dad!" I yelled walking through the front door. "in the Living room!" he yelled back, the book John had given me was clutched against my side as I walked into the living room where my dad was sitting in his chair watching TV.

"what's that?" my dad asked guestering to the book in my hand "oh, John gave this book to me" I explained vagly and he seemed to buy it. I kept it in my hand incase I had to run out of the house quickly when I told my dad that I was pregnant with his grandbaby.

"so I have something to tell you dad" I said bitting my lip. "I.. um..... umm.... Pete got me pregnant, your going-going to be a grandfather" I stuttered. my dad looked furious, he didn't say anything for a few minutes, but I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. I too, didn't say anything in fear of making him more angry.

"I RAISED YOU BETTER THEN THAT JAMES PAUL MCCARTNEY!!!" my dad yelled finally blowing up, and slapping me a cross the face. "YOUR A STUPID LUSTY FOURTEEN YEAR OLD! YOUR ASHAME TO THE FAMILY NAME!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT AND GOT PREGNANT!! NOW GET OUT OF MY FUCKING GODDAMN HOUSE!!" he screamed slapping me one more time before I ran out the front door.

I didn't know where I was going to go so I just kept running. 

a family with 3 dads (McLenncliffe)Where stories live. Discover now