Chapter one

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You sat in your black, leather chair while focusing all of your attention towards decreasing the stacks of paper that were currently piled on top of your wooden desk. You had, much to your dismay, procrastinated completing your work for the past week and now you were reaping the consequences of going into overdrive. You clenched the ballpoint pen that was in your hand rather tightly, and your feet tapped against the grey carpet with impatience. You felt like banging your head against your desk, repeatedly might you add, and you probably would've done so if your eyes didn't catch the shadow of someone moving towards you from your peripheral.

"Knock, knock." Your assistant, Nadia, tapped her knuckles on your door frame while peeking her head into your office. You glanced up from your papers with low eyes as she walked towards the printer sitting in your corner, suddenly deciding to yourself that talking to her would be the perfect excuse to take a break from doing your work. You then straightened your posture and cleared your throat loudly, Nadia already rolling her eyes at your predictable behavior.

"So, Nadia-"

"No, don't even think about it." Nadia wagged her finger and sang her words to you in a teasing manner, simultaneously pushing buttons on the printer she stood in front of. "You are not using me to get out of your work."

"Why nooootttt?" you groaned loudly and threw your head back against your leather chair, eyes rolling up to glare at your ceiling. Nadia turned to face you with papers in her hand, fixing her beige hijab while doing so.

"Because you have a deadline you have to meet." Nadia stated matter of factly to which you side eyed her with annoyance.

"Deadline my ass, I'm taking a nap." You murmured and reached over to lift a messy stack of documents so you'd have more room to sleep on your desk. Nadia furrowed her eyebrows and stormed towards you, rolling up the papers in her hand before whacking you on the head with them.

"Ouch, what was that for?" You whined while holding the top of your head, a pain now circulating in the spot that she hit. You glanced up at the annoyed woman who stood in front of you with her arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked challengingly. The thing was, Nadia was not only your assistant, but she also happened to be your best friend as well. Nobody could really tell that the two of you were close because she always kept your relationship professional and cordial while at work, but sometimes her "take no shit" side (as she would call It) would slip through the cracks of her cool façade.
"Y/n, I am this," Nadia pinched her fingers together while shoving them in your face. "close to molly-whopping you if you don't finish these damn papers."

You rolled your eyes at her threat, but still chose to pick your pen back up because you weren't in the mood to test her right now. Once Nadia saw that you were getting back to your work, she brought her hand to her mouth and blew you a kiss.
"Love you, bestie." She cooed in a sickly-sweet voice and turned around to strut out of your office. You looked up from your papers with squinted eyes, slyly sticking your tongue out at the back of your retreating assistant.

"Also, don't forget that you have a meeting with the Zen'in Association in 3 hours! So chop, chop!" She called out over her shoulder with a smirk and this time you didn't stop your head as It fell on to your desk.
"I think I have a wedgie." You whispered into Nadia's ear as you stood next to her in the elevator, hand reaching behind you to pull the annoyance out. Nadia rolled her eyes and looked at the watch on her wrist.

"At least we got here on time, although you really need to work on your driving." She chided and you looked at her with your forehead scrunched.
"My driving is completely fine." you scoffed, slightly offended at what your assistant was insinuating.
"Oh please, you are the definition of road rage." She said while rubbing her temples and you clicked your tongue in disagreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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