Chapter 12: Meeting Narcissa

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Chapter 12: Meeting Narcissa

I'm currently in bed; I don't know who's bedroom it is though. I couldn't take it anymore, so I had run to the closest room I could find. It had been almost 5 hours since my emotional outbreak. I had calmed down a little, but my tears were still moist. George tried to open the door for a few hours, but once he realized that I had put spells up and there was no way of apparition inside, he gave up.

I can't stop myself from thinking about Draco. I know I said that I didn't want to see him, but I have a changed perspective. Maybe he will want to see me again, I miss him.

It was almost 4 in the morning, and hoping that no one was awake, I slowly opened the door and decided to get myself water.

"Finally decided to come out I guess?"

It was George, he was leaning against the door frame, he looked as if he barely got any sleep at all.

"Yea, I was pretty thirsty after all that" I exclaimed as I started to fidget with my pearl bracelet. We decided to talk in the living room, and walked there in a comfortable silence.

"I just want to say, I'm sorry for what happened here, they were all in shock and decided that you were harmful" he said as he took a seat beside me on the couch.

"It makes sense that you guys thought that, but it hurt seeing that you didn't trust me, especially Hermione"

"I understa-" he started to state, but I interrupted him.

"No, you don't George, You don't understand how it feels when the only person you care about is currently somewhere else, when I want them close to me. You don't understand how it feels when I trusted someone and came to their house, and ended up feeling betrayed. You don't understand how I badly want to get out of here." I spoke in a breath. I didn't even realize I was crying until the droplets started falling onto my lap.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Lills, do you want to leave?" George had asked me, as he brought me into a hug.

I hadn't even thought about leaving. Yes I did think about going back to Draco, but I mostly wanted to just be next to him.

"I sort of want to George, I just don't know how. It's not like I can apparate, I can use the floo powder but I don't think I prefer that, cause I would have to walk straight into the house."

"Well I can take you, and we have all your bags right here. I remember seeing the Malfoy's house once when we were nearby, so that means I can apparate you there"

"Thank-you George, I love you" I said out of happiness, I immediately jumped into George's embrace.

"I know, I love myself too" he said as we got out of the hug.

"Don't make me regret saying that" I laughed out, I loved being with George, but inside me, I always knew that Draco would have my heart.

"Ok, c'mon I'm already ready" I stated as I grabbed my bag.

" I'm going to drop you off a little far from the house and I'm going to have you walk, is that ok?" he asked.

"Yes anything is fine, just take me there" I was too excited.

He laughed at my silliness, before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and apparated us to Malfoy Manor. It felt as if I was being sucked into a genie bottle. It ended before I could even process what was going on.

"Ok, this is where I leave you, you just gotta take a few steps north and you will see his house" George said, as he pointed in the direction I should go.

Pearls - (Draco Malfoy x OC)☯︎Where stories live. Discover now