A bad start Chapter 2

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''pft, yeah right'' I mumble to myself, as I roll my eyes in annoyance because of the Captains dreadful comment.

 I hear a sound and look to my right, my eyes are capturing a few titans lurking behind the enormous trees. I can't stop thinking about his stupid comment, oh so it'll be my last? I'll fucking show him, Captain shorty.

 My veins are filled with rage and anger, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to make him feel sorry about his poor choice of words.

With no second thoughts, I leap towards the few titans, they all turn their gazes towards me, and they're stalking me with their big emotionless eyes.There are three of them, and lucky for me they're only 3 and 5 meters tall. 

One of the 3 meters is looking directly at me, and ignoring the other scouts gathering around us. I'm taking this opportunity and get myself behind it, while gripping the swords very tightly, I slash its nape open, leaving it to fall on the now rocky ground. 

As I'm getting on one of the big branches to relax a bit, I see the captain staring at me, standing on another tree branch with his brows furrowed and his arms crossed tightly together.

Seeing him like this, I know that I am getting under his skin, proving him wrong makes me feel so happy and empowered. I want more of this euphoric feeling, I want him to regret not keeping his mouth shut. With a smirk twirling up on my lip, I quickly leap forward again, my eyes focused on the other 3 meter titan. The titan swings its big hand towards me, with its fast movement, I quickly block it and latch on the back of his neck, cutting its nape open,resting on his back, as it was falling down.

 Phew that was pretty close.

I'm still on its back, looking at the biggest titan of all three of them, this feeling of seeing a 5 meter titan so close to me is making me excited. Looking at its big smiling face coming towards me faster and faster, I shoot myself to the tree beside it. The titan is so beautiful, I really don't want to kill it. Maybe Sawney and Beane wants a new friend?

I shake my head and start to concentrate. I can't hesitate now, not when I'm proving a point to the Captain. As I'm moving towards the titan, my ODM gear gets frozen.

 I look down on my ODM gear and start to panic. I fall down to the ground with a loud thud. Fuck that hurts, oh god. Now this motherfucker decides to not work? What a piece of shit thing. I all of a sudden feel something tight around my leg, and I see the titan gripping onto me. I try swinging my sword at it, but it's no use.

 The titan is now holding me around my waist and is crushing me slowly, and very painfully

 I feel my vision getting all blurry, and I hear a lot of shouting and blades cutting through flesh, but it all sounds so far away. I feel the grip around my waist getting lighter, as  I'm greeted with a pair of strong arms around me and a pair of bright brown eyes staring down at me, but all of a sudden, I'm met with total darkness. 

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