2: The Kind Slytherin

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     The prefect meeting was over as soon as it started. It was a quick introduction of everyone and their houses, though it was pretty clear to Anne where everyone belonged. The Gryffindor prefects were herself and Charlie Sloane, who she would have never imagined would have the qualities to be in the ranks alongside her, but Dumbledore has his reasonings.

     The Ravenclaw prefects were her best friend, Diana Barry, and a boy named Cole Mackenzie. Anne had seen him around before, mostly in the Courtyard where he would be with his sketchbooks. He was tall, almost as tall as Ron Weasley, though he was quite thinner, as if he would break if you pushed him too hard. His dirty blond hair complimented his dark, mysterious eyes. He seemed like the perfect fit for a Ravenclaw.

     The Hufflepuff prefects were Tillie Boulter and Moody Spurgeon. Anne had talked to both of them before in Herbology classes, they seemed nice enough. Tillie was shorter than Anne, but classifying her as short would be incorrect. She was larger than Anne and her clothes fit her snuggly. Her long, brunette curls cascaded down her back and Anne was unable to take her eyes off of them, Tillie was just so beautiful. Moody was quite taller than Anne, but not the same height as Cole. Though he seemed lanky, his build was more muscular than Cole. He had dark, brown hair that would occasionally fall into his eyes and he would have to brush it to the side. He caught Anne staring at him once when he was adjusting his hair and his light, caramel colored eyes crinkled happily as he smiled at her. 

     The Slytherin prefects were Josie Pye and Gilbert Blythe. Anne had had experience with both of them before as they were on the Slytherin Quidditch team and Anne was on the Gryffindor team. Josie seemed nastier than Gilbert, so she knew to stay away from her, but Anne couldn't help but find Josie so attractive. Her long legs matched perfectly with her torso and her thin build. Her long, sandy, blonde hair was pinned up in some magnificent do that Anne could never hope to recreate on her own. Her icy, blue eyes pierced into whomever she was speaking to's heart. She was evil, but so beautiful. Gilbert was a different story. He didn't seem outrightly mean, in fact, his whole demeanour was quite inviting. He was taller than Moody, but shorter than Ron. His skin was quite tan, like he spent a lot of his time outside. His hickory brown hair was insanely curly, but he had seemed to keep it quite tame. He had only looked in Anne's direction once, but his eyes were a sea of mystery and Anne had found herself wanting to swim in them.

     "Well, that is all. I know this meeting was quite short, but I wanted to give you all time to meet one another and get settled. I know the Houses tend to have one sworn enemy, like Gryffindor and Slytherin, but you eight are the exceptions. I expect nothing short of kindness and respect from every one of you. You are going to be working with each other for the rest of your time at Hogwarts and then two of you will become Head Boy and Girl. Work hard, play fair," the Head Boy, Billy Andrews, said. He was staring directly at Anne and Charlie throughout the whole speech. Anne knew that Billy was a Slytherin and that he was no good. His younger sister, Jane, was a Gryffindor in Anne's year and all she did was talk poorly about her brother. Anne planned on staying out of his way.

     "You may all get changed into your robes now," Billy said, gesturing at the multiple bathrooms that were on the train. "One at a time, no funny business. Your badge should also be showing at all times. You are a leader now, whether you like it or not."

     Anne saw Josie grab her stuff out of the corner of her eye and dash into one of the bathrooms, not waiting for Billy to finish his speech. Anne tried to remain from rolling her eyes.

     "Good luck, see you at the feast," and with that, Billy walked out the compartment. He was followed by the Head Girl, whom Anne did not know. She also was not wearing her robes, so her House was undeclared. Maybe Anne would get to know her later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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