Miya sighed and decided to back off. "'A born fool is never cured' they say,".

Kaia playfully swung his arm around Reki from behind. "I have complete faith that you'll wipe the floor with him." His voice was muffled by the mask he wore and large sunglasses covered his eyes. He had decided to wear a heavy disguise in attempt to keep attention off him. "Finish him off for me, yeah?"

"Yeah!" Reki said while trying to ignore his disguise that made him stand out rather then blend into the crowd.

"I'll be waiting at the finish line. Push me," Kaoru ordered Joe.

"What about Kaia?" Joe complained.

"I'm practically a fugitive! I almost beat Reki's competition to a pulp!" Kaia whisper-yelled.

"You two are unbelievable," Joe grumbled as he complied and pushed Kaoru in his wheelchair.

Long after the siren had sounded the beginning of the race Reki was still at a disadvantage. He had seemed slower than usual and was being tossed around by Adam far worse than before. Adam had already threw Reki to the ground once before he started to swing him around while laughing hysterically. As if that weren't enough he began to drag Reki along the rocks from the side of the mountain.

"Let's make him stop, Kaia. We just have to!"

"That' s useless. Adam won't stop tonight until that boy is taken out."

Kaia bit the top of his thumb in order to control his anger. At this point he drew blood since he knew there wasn't anything he could do.

"Reki's not going to go down easily, either. We promised." Langa said confidently.

Though everyone's eyes were drawn to the screen when Reki started to sped up towards the cliff ahead of him. The redhead skated down the cliff at an alarming speed, barely avoiding the large rocks that stuck out from the ground. He flew through the air and admired the sights he could see from the height he was at. His landing was rough but everyone started cheer loudly for the young boy.

"All right," Langa said.

Kaia and Miya's looks of worry faded upon him nailing the trick and were replaced with wide grins. They high-fived one another with each of their hands in triumph.

"Far from satisfying," Miya snorted.

"But he did it!" Kaia shouted.

The relief didn't last long as Reki decided to skate back and cling to Adam's waist. This resulted in another merciless beating from him and eyes widening in horror from all around. Adam raised his arms for the final blow.

Kaia covered Miya's eyes who couldn't bear to watch Reki get severely injured again. He started shaking the younger boy excitedly when Reki pulled away at the last minute.

Then something wet fell onto their heads.


And again.

Until it started to pour rain.

"Reki's pulling ahead," Miya shouted. The pair embraced one another from the tension they felt from waiting to see if the race would turn tables once again.

"They're wheels for rainy weather. There are special grooves so he won't slip in the rain. On the other hand, he'll be slower than usual in clear weather," Langa explained.

"So, that's why he was slow in the first half!" Kaoru said in realization.

"He predicted the rain was gonna fall?" Miya asked.

"Reki was betting on this," Langa said.

"He could actually.." Kaia started and then turned down to Miya who had equally wide eyes.

"Win this!" They said in unison.

Adam refused to be beaten since he ran into a familiar stance and lifted his board off the ground. He was planning on swinging it again. Reki kept rushing to him and Adam prepared his strike.


And closer.

Adam pulled back and finally swung.

Making contact.

The crowd went silent in defeat after the redhead had come so far.

A redhead. A stripe of red could be seen flying behind Adam and was revealed to be Reki who had skated past the swing. He threw his jacket behind him as it was caught onto Adam's board.

Adam fell face first into the muddy track causing everyone to stay silent but this time the silence was different. The first sound to break the silence was snicker from beside Joe. Kaoru broke out into laughter from seeing him fall.

"Adam! Adam of all people!" Kaoru laughed out. Joe and Kaia turned to see him as if waiting for permission to laugh. Joe soon followed after and chuckled.

"Serves Adam right!"

Kaia went into a fit of his own and laughed so hard he had to pull down the heavy mask that he wore. Miya's mouth dropped open from surprise.

"All right! The slime defeated the evil overlord!"

Reki had a considerable lead and everyone had accepted Reki as the winner without the race having to finish. They all roared and cheered his name throughout the crowd. But, to everyone's dismay, Adam dropped from above and caught up to Reki in a fit of rage.

"What a guy!" Kaoru commented.

"Hurry, Reki! He's coming in!" Joe shouted.

The two raced to the finish and were neck to neck before crossing the graffiti. However, Reki's board broke from the stress of the race at the last minute. In turn, giving Adam the victory.

It didn't matter in the least since the crowd congratulated Reki as if he'd won by a long shot. The main group came up to him and Langa rushed over to his side.

"Skating really is super fun, after all!" Reki breathed out in exhaustion with a wide grin.

"You had us getting nervous," Joe said.

"I guess I'll alter my assessment of you," Kaoru admitted.

Miya wiped away the small tears from his eyes. "Not bad for a slime!"

"Forget finishing him off, you totalled him, Redhead!" Kaia shook his shoulders playfully.

Adam gradually stood and strolled over in Reki's direction. Langa stepped in front to block his path. Then Joe and Kaia followed suit ahead of him, directly stopping Adam in his tracks.

"Stop it. The beef is already over," Joe reasoned. Kaia only glared at him without a word as a warning.

"Or what? Is Cherry going to send his new *Yakuza dog after me again?" Adam spat and looked down on Kaia with an expression of pure disgust.

* well known mafia of Japan

"That beautiful skating that you hold isn't fit for you the way you are now. You are only an untrained dog in this world." He glanced over to Kaoru. "However, there will be a second one soon. Where we shall fall together because we are going to become Adam and Eve. In our world such previous sins will be erased and you'll be beautiful again...

And mine alone."

Sk8 the Infinity: 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐝𝐞Where stories live. Discover now