"Like marking me?"

A small smirk plays on his face, before he reaches down and starts tickling me to death. I fidget and twist under his, unmerciful grasp.

"Get.... off!" I yell, still laughing my butt off.

"Just say you're sorry." He pauses before adding. "Oh, and I'm the sexiest beast alive."

"You... want me... to... lie."

He countinues to tickle me until I finally crack. "Ok, I'm sorry mister sexiest beast alive."

He immediatley stops leaning in closer to me. "Sike." I whisper. I quickly wiggle my way out of his grasp and lay on the very end of the bed.

Ok maybe I lied a little bit earlier, I was going to press for answers, I just needed to do it subtlely.

I cuddle up to his side, sliding my small hand into his much bigger one. "So, what happened on the phone earlier?" I ask softly.

'Very subtle.' Liv snorts.

"It was a threat, a dead wolf on the border. From what I heard, it was a message to you, from one of the vampire factions. They want you alive, verse dead, like many other groups. But they won't get their filthy hands on you." He growls out.

That was way easier than I thought. To be honest I was expecting a beat-around-the-bush answer.

"You'll never touch me either." I tease, after a moment of silence. I can't deal with this seriousness around us.

"You weren't thinking like that earlier." He smirks.

"Don't flatter yourself."

"No, that's what you're here for."

The next morning I wake up before the suns even risin. So I quickly, and quietly, make my way out of Xaviers arms and then the room. No, I'm not sneaking off. I'm just making a phone call to someone whos now on my shit list.

"Hello?" The gruff voice answers after a few rings,

"Don't hello me." I hiss.

"Rose, why the hell are you calling me at.." He pauses to I guess look at a clock."Four a.m?

"Because, Mathew, I was recently trying to solve a problem when a very angry alpha happened to break down my door!"

He chuckles. "What was I supposed to do lie and possibly die?"

"Hell yeah, I would've dealt with him. Besides now you're going to have to deal with me. And no one will save you from the hell I'll raise."

"Whatever you say princess. I think you're being just a bit melodramatic." He comments.

"When I'm done with you, I'm going to make alphabet soup with your intestines."

"I bet it will be delicious."

"Then once I finish my soup, I'm going to make a martinei out of your blood. Plus I'll use your eyeballs as the little olive thingy."

He starts cracking up over the phone. "Wow that was a good laugh, I ca...."

I don't hear the rest of the sentence because the phone is ripped from my hands. I roll my eyes as Xavier slams down the phone, smashing it into little peices.

"Morning to you too." I mutter sarcastically.

"Mind telling me why you're talking to another male at four in the morning?" He seethes quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. His eyes are much darker than before.

"No, not really."

He was about to answer when his Beta comes crashing through the door. "They're here." He says breathlessly.

"Shit. Ryder go get me the neckless." Xavier commands. Ryder runs out of the room running in the oppisite direction.

"Who's here?" I ask.

"More people who want you dead."

Soon Ryder comes running back in, holding a necklace. Not just any necklace though, no it's the dragons eye necklace.

"Put this on." Ryder commands throwing me the necklace.

I do as I'm told, putting on the necklace you here about in all werewolf books.

Let me explain exactly what it is. The dragons eye necklace is something that only appears every thousand years or so. It just pops out of nowhere and is ment to be given to your mate, mostly alpha females wear it.

Let's just say you kill someone wearing that necklace, the whole werewolf world will hunt down your ass. The necklace is only given by the moon goddess herself. Those who wear it hold much more responsibilty then others, they must bring back fallen peace.

Basically the vampires calling war against some werewolves and witches is going to create world war three.

"Come on Rose." Xavier says tugging me away from his office. We walk out onto the porch, which is surrounded by hundreds of wolves.

A man, I'm guessing the leader, steps forward. "Give us the girl." He commands. He was big and muscular, just not as big as Xavier.

Xavier chuckles darkly. "Theres no way you're getting your filthy hands on her." This was differnet darker, scary side of Xavier. The one where his eyes get pitch black and a small smirk stays on his face.

"Fine, then I'll just kill her." He says pulling out a handgun from his waist band.

"Do it." Heads turn to my direction in shock, I really had a death wish. I jump off the porch, walking closer to the man who threatened to kill me.

"Your playing a dangerous game, Rose." His voice is filled with anger and hatred.

"Pull the trigger, I dare you. In fact, I'm so sure you wont I'll place money on it." Xavier begins growling when the man turn the safety off and presses it against my forehead. Ryder pulls him back though, they're just as sure he wont.

"Blow my brains out of my skull, go ahead. Splatter paint with my blood, blow a hole in my head, I'm dying to know if I have a brain. Go ahead and see how many bullets you can put into my shull. Oh wait, you cant. You don't have any authority to, I'm not brain dead, the vampires are in charge. So prove me wrong and pull the trigger.

"Plus, I have this." I add, pulling the necklace up slightly.

"You're right I can't kill you, but I can do this." As soon as the words leave his mouth, a bullet goes straight at my leg.

I notice all the mans followers leave just as quickly as he does, dodging through trees and the forest. We were way out numbered but stronger.

I lay on the ground shaking in pain and trying my hardest not to scream. Tears blur my vision as I clutch my leg.

"It's okay baby girl, Ryders getting Dawson right now. I'm going to carry you to the pack hospital." He gentally puts his arm under my thighs and back. I start screaming through clenched teeth at the sudden burst of pain. Black spots dance around in my vision making it harder to see through the tears.

"Just cut it off, just cut off the entire leg." Had I nit been in so mych pain, I would have laughed at my dramamatics, unfortunatley I really wanted to cut it off.

Wthin a minute Xavier has me set down on a soft bed, he then starts barking commands at doctors.

"She losing a lot of blood, I think he hit an artery. Ryder close the door and keep every one out of the infirmary. Xavier get her to take these we need to put her to sleep." Dawson commands.

I cant see much, but I do see Xavier quickly comming to my side to make me swallow pills.

Soon darkness takes me in like a big fuzzy blanket.


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