She chuckled and offered her hand towards him. Persephone smiled and pecked him on one cheek.

“If it weren’t you,” she smiled to the beauty and elegantly strode away.

“My lord Hades,” she bowed.

“My lady Hecate, to what do I owe this dance?” Heckate placed a slender hand on his shoulder and the other in his huge hand.

“She is a snake,” her pretty lips molded into a frown. Hades’ calm mood vanished.

“What happened?”

“Lady Iris brought a human child to Olympus. A human girl child, I saw the golden hair, she’s definitely her. Thalia lied to us of having got her.”

“Are you saying that Iris stole away the kid?”

“She’s a smart woman.”

“But we can’t be sure if it is the same child.”

“We can’t Aidoneus but it must not go unnoticed either.”

“Iris does everything on purpose, then is Thalia doing wrong?”

“We cannot say for sure my Lord.” 

“Hmm, can you go check on her?” 

“Sure my lord,” she said and took her leave. As soon as she walked away, Persephone came back. Her delight was not hidden and that made Hades grin.

“What makes you so joyful my lovely queen.”

“Having you back. I thought she’d never leave. But what was with the serious conversation?” She asked, caressing his cheek.

“Nothing that I would like to concern you about my love.”  Hades flashed a smile.

“Was it about her, Hades?” She asked again. Hades frowned for not being able to ignore the topic.

“Yes. Hecate thinks Iris did not let her have the kid.”

“So she lied to us?” Persephone’s lilac eyes widened.

“I am afraid that could be so.”  Hades closed his eyes.

“Hmm. Why would Iris separate a child from her mother?”


"Lady Hecate, could you come this way please.” Iris asked--her eyebrows knitted in breathless anxiety--seeing the Goddess of witchcraft. Hecate cocked an eyebrow in question. Yes she was here to see her but why was she asking her to come.

“Oh, I am sorry. My lady I happened to crossways with Thalia today and there I saw her kidnapping a child-”

“Kidnapping?” Hecate was stunned by this reference.

“Yes my lady,” Iris nodded.

“Tell me the entire thing Lady Iris.” Hecate’s voice rose a bit. Iris did not like it, she pressed her lips in a thin line.

“I am sorry, but could you tell me the entire thing?”

Iris nodded. “This way please.”

“So you are saying, a human called you and that human happens to be the oracle.” Hecate reconsidered her explanation. It was too much to be thought about. She had heard each detail carefully but didn't utter any truth about Thalia.


“Then where is she?”

“She… I don’t know, she ran out of the palace and I was trying to convince Zeus but he refused to bring a human between the prophecy for Gods.”

“Hmm, let’s wake her up first then.”  Hecate said and placed her hand above the sleeping child’s head. Green light emitted from below her palm as she began a spell but she was cut short.

“Stop!” An alarmed Hecate withdrew her hands immediately and turned to look for the source of this disturbance. The marvelous looking Sun God stood on one side of the temple, one hand reaching to stop her hand while the other wrapped around the wrist of a tiny human.

“Lady Hecate, please do not wake her up.” Lilith said in an urgent tone. Hecate stared at her and then to Apollo simultaneosly. She raised her eyebrow at Iris.

“Is she”

Iris nodded, looking at the floor. Hecate took two strides with her long legs and was right in front of Lilith. Lilith raised her face to feet the eyes of the stunning Goddess, her brows furrowed in worry.

Hecate took in the features of the tiny human and then stared at Apollo.

“You beleive her?”

“Why would not I belive her my lady when I am sure she isn’t lying. She had the mark as well.” He raised his head up high, standing proudly to be able to find an Oracle after eons.

“Hmm,” Hecate considered there words and then turned to Iris.

“You might want to tell Zeus to hold the coucil meeting. I shall inform my King and Queen.”

Iris nodded and Hecate vanished as green smoke evolved and envelpoed her slender built from head to toe. Iris sighed, staring at the adorable sleeping child.

“Why shall we not wake her up?”  

“Its not time yet.”

Yes, Thalia IS my sweetheart Yoyo's mother. Image up there is my little angel. Isn't she just ADORABLE! As I said, my little bundle of joy she is.
Secondly, my dearest couple Hades and Persephone are here!

Question time
AQ: Why did Thalia wish to kidnap her own daughter?
CQ: Which is your favorite God couple? Not in the book, in reality.

GUYS!! We reached 644 reads  182 votes and 734 comments!  Its just sooooooo gr8! I am over the moon!

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