Early counteroffensive ends in partial disaster

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Missouri's POV

After a month of planning, they approved the counteroffensive which the goal was to destroy Orochi or severely damage it, our other objective was to cause major damage to the Sakura Empire fleet with an ordinary fleet it was suicide, but with our strength, it was possible to make it happen the fleet escorting us was my current fleet and striking force comprises of myself Midway, Sulli, and Tago.

Once we arrived at the area Midway decides to wake'em up with her jets flying overhead firing their Harpoons next was Sulli and Tago clearing mines that could still be present and me closing in firing my 16-inch guns at the suspected area which was a tall mountain with all 3 of us firing our tomahawk missiles at port facilities that could repair them, and of course, we don't aim at the houses located further in-land, sending my RQ-2 Pioneer to spot where it could be it found it's marked we sent a few Harpoons of our own to cripple it leaving the harbor engulfed in flames as most of the ships there were severely damaged, as we retreated some managed to catch up to us.

Takao: "Now then we shall dispose of you." She charges at us with Atago when they got close our CIWS started firing forcing them to evade or slice our rounds.

Ayanami: "Taste the power of the demon." Firing her torpedoes she broke our formation with no hits. Soon after the rest of our fleet joins the battle.

Atago: "Ara~ what's an old and incapable battleship doing here." Saying that makes my blood boil since she's insulting Arizona. Firing my 2 16-inch salvos at her she of course cuts them. Just then several torpedoes hit Arizona. Seeing her hurt I rush over to her holding her in my arms.

Missouri: "Arizona you okay?"

Arizona in a very weak tone: "Yes."

Missouri: "Shh, don't talk you need some rest." She nods, I call Victorious over "You guys retreat first." She understood my orders.

Missouri: "Let's give these a memory they'll never forget." 

Soon after saying it, Midway and I were really going at it after causing major damage to them we finally pulled back Victorious set an RV point so we can meet them. After meeting them we sailed home with Arizona badly damaged.

Inside Victorious Med bay

Missouri: "How is she."

Victorious: "Not exactly sure but repair teams were able to stop her from sinking for now. For now, I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon."

Missouri sighing relief: "That's good to hear."

Midway: "Missouri, you okay?"

Missouri: "Yeah ... I'm okay."

She noticed I've not been doing fine since Arizona was hurt she called me out for a while.

Victorious: Flight deck

Midway's POV

Midway: "It's been a while since we last saw each other."

Missouri: "Yeah, it has."

Midway holding her to my chest: "I know that feeling, you felt you lost something precious to you. I lost my sisters to the scrapyard but I'm not alone I still have the other Essex class (those that survived scrapping) around me." She began to shed tears.

Missouri trembling while crying: "I know! but I wished she always stayed happy since I kept seeing her tears at Pearl ... It just hurts to see it."

Midway: "I see, you know I'm actually jealous of you sometimes." She looks at me surprised by my comment. "You're definitely the luckiest ship class because all 4 of you are still around while others are subsequently getting smaller over the years, I can't help but be jealous. You know that I've been serving for 46 years right?" She nods her head. "True I have lots of combat experience, but I also had to part ways with many of my people it still hurts, but sometimes there nothing I can do for them." She continues to shed tears and crying loudly, I hand her my hanker-chief "It was made by Coral Sea before she got dismantled she gave it as a parting gift. F.D.R gave me the navy cross before she left knowing that I would serve our country well." She uses it to clear her tears. "So when the times like this come again can you rely on us all?" she returns my hanker-chief

Missouri: "Yeah."

Midway: "Good to hear." She continues to quietly cry I pulled her back to me one last time before we entered the room. Over the next few days, it was a calm trip back to HQ with very little resistance being encountered, as soon as we hit land Missouri brought her to Vestal. Vestal said that she'll need at least 2 weeks of repairs and not sure when she'll wake up. I decided to take over her duties as flagship since she's affected by Arizona.

Midway: "Missouri for now, you'll be relieved as flagship."

Missouri: "Yeah, I'll be counting on you." I soon leave her to take a break from her role I'm still slightly worried about her so I'll visit her room from time to time. Now I return to the fleet since were given new orders.

Azur Lane HQ: Port

The rest are gathered and waiting for orders, but they don't see Missouri with me.

Victorious: "She's taking time to recover isn't she?"

Midway: "Yeah she is I'll take over temporarily, now then let's sortie."

After reaching our target which was a large Siren fleet targeting the Dragon Empery task force, which was intercepted. We rushed at full speed to their aid, during that time Victorious radios me privately.

On the seas

Victorious: "You know, when Missouri told me her story when she first came I was really moved by her final chapters before becoming an official museum. I think what I said then really was on point."

Midway: "Which was?"

Victorious: "Missouri was Arizona's prince." Thinking back in our old world and now she really is Arizona's prince, I like the way she put it.

Midway: "Yeah that's very true, but enough chatter we have a job to do."

Victorious: "Aye Aye." She ends the line I switched back to communications with the rest of the fleet.

Once we arrived we got to business sinking all the Siren ships with our somehow limitless supply of missiles, we managed to recover their fleet and brought them back to HQ. It was already nighttime when we returned but before we headed for bed we had a nice warm bath.

Azur Lane HQ: Bathhouse

Midway: "Haaaa that sure hits the spot."

Baltimore: "Yeah, I'm curious but why isn't Missouri here with us?"

Midway: "Well she has a special reason." She's obviously not satisfied with that answer. "I'll tell you all about it."

They all came over to me aside from Sulli, Tago, and Victorious who all knew why. I explained to them where she was before she came here which was at Pearl while she was museum just right in front of Arizona, the two of them symbolizes the start and end of that brutal war for the Eagle Union (America). With Missouri in front of Arizona, Missouri is conveying that she's watching over Arizona. They really were moved by that story that they cried a little, after our bath we said our goodnight, and I head off to Missouri's room to find her already sleeping. I close the door and head back to my room and fell asleep.

Hi guys, this chapter I decided on purpose to take this approach since I didn't try out this style previously so I wanted to give it a shot since Arizona and Missouri's relationship is identical to Hood and Prince of Wales's relationship, so I wanted to see how good could I write in situations like this. Other than that it serves as a growth point for Missouri, sure my special chapters are designed similarly, but this one would have an impact on her where she'll rely more on her allies for emotional support. With that see ya.

For your smile, I shall protect youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin