Dungeon pt2

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Klaus : Hmph, not bad for a peasent. Steel Restraining Magic : Steel coffin

Mars was binded by the steel coffin so that he doesn't escape, Klaus also took his grimoire for safe keeping.

Klaus : Now that that's out of the way how do we open the vault ?

Asta : leave it to me. Demon-Slayer

The sword asta carries then comes to asta, he then slashed the vault door creating an opening.

Klaus : How does a peasent like you get so much power

Asta : Idk

All of them then went into the vault ach minding their own business. Asta and luck were playing with communication magic items, Noelle and mimosa were looking some jewellry, Klaus was figuring out how to get laid, And Yuno was currently looking at a scroll. he opened it and then some light flashed with some writting on it. When the light died down the writting was nowhere in the scroll but instead in Yuno's girmoire. afte everyone was finished minding their own business Noelle was suddenly stabbed in the stomach area, they see that Mars has gotten out of the restraining magic and has suddenly conjured a new spell.

Klaus : How did he get out of my restraining magic ?

Mars : All of you are weak, the weak has to die while the strong prevails

Asta : Mimosa can you heal noelle ?

Mimosa : i am on it. Plant healing magic : Dream healing flower basket

A plant basket rupted from the ground and started to form around noelle healing her.

Mars : I will kill you all. Flame recovery magic : Healing phoenix robe

Klaus : No way 2 magic attributes. I've heard this before the diamond kingdom has been conducting experiments to get 2 magic attributes onto a person. it seems they succeded

Asta : You guys stay here i'll deal with emo handsome jerk face

Everyone : .........

Asta then started to fight mars but now with 10% of is devil powers so that he could fight him off easily. He would have used more but his body was still sore from his previous battle. He continued to fight mars however the odds were slowly tilting to mars as Asta was getting tired. Yuno on the other hand was protecting Mimosa.

Yuno : Keep healing her Mimosa, i know you can do it. I'll stay here to protect you

Mimosa : y-yuno

Yuno send his wind magic to falling debri from the result of asta's fight with mars as the walls were slowly crumbling down

Yuno : Asta you better beat him 

Asta : You know i will

Klaus on the other hand was deep in thoughts on how he was protectted by the black bulls\

Klaus : How could this happen me ? a noble getting protected by the black bulls.

Luck : You know doing that won't help us 

Klaus : Huh ?

Luck : I know what you're thinking, you think that you feel weak because we're protecting you. Well you're wrong, it doesn't matter if we're noble's or royalty. We're magic knights and we fight together our status doesn't matter when you're in battle. The only thing that matters is winning it with your comrades.

Klaus : you're right

Klaus then sent a spiraling steel to mars distracting him so that he could get an opening

Klaus : Go asta i'll help you

Asta smirked and started to fight off mars. Luck was also helpng him so that he could get more attacks in. the odds were tilting back to Asta's side as mars was getting tired.

Mars : Enough!, How are you winning this i'm supposed to be the diamond that crushes all of you. You're just supposed to be gravel.

Mars readied his giant sword for a final strike but asta took out his demon dweller sword for his attack.

Asta : I may be gravel, but i'm the gravel that shattes diamond!. Demon dweller : Black slash

The slash quickly pierced mars's sword and sent him into a wall out cold

Asta : YOSHH

Liebe : Maan i was out for a while, what did i miss ?

Liebe saw the bruised warriors and mars knocked out cold with asta's shirt ripped.

Liebe : yeah i'm going back to sleep

Liebe then poofed and just left the exausted asta.

Asta : How is noelle ?

Mimosa : she's stable now

Noelle slowly opened her eyes and the first thing it layed on was the knucklehead idiot.

Asta : Noelle!

Asta on instinct rushed to noelle and hugged her not knowing noelle was blushing 50 shades of red.

Asta : Thank god you're okay

Noelle(tsundere mode) : o-of course i a-am b-b-bakasta i'm royalty. 'Ahhhhh he just hugged me, he must like me then right wait no noelle don't'

Asta : hehe good to have you back

Mimosa : erhm, y-yuno thanks for protecting me back there

Yuno : o-oh it's ok we're comrades right *blushes*


Yuno : What no i'm not

While the gang were celebrating, grunting noises were heard they see that mars has gotten up again and was in his big titan armor.

mars : I'll kill youu!!!!

For yuno time froze he quickly spun his head only to be met with a fairy creature. She looked relaxed but then she blew some wind to mars. Then time resumed the wind hit mars and now for the 3rd time in this damned chapter he was knocked out cold.

Asta : yuno did you do that ?

Yuno : No, it was some fairy lady creature

Asta : which one ?, tinkerbell or toothfairy ?

Yuno : Probably tinkerbell

The dungeon slowly broke down after the fight. Everyone got onto Yuno's wind ark and exited the dungeon. When everyone was outside they checked one another for any bruises. Frankly th one with the most major one was Noelle but she was all healed now.

Klaus : Yuno, Asta i'm sorry for underestimating you. Clearly you guys have showed promise to be a better magic knight and a better person. please forgive me

Asta : it's ok klaus, i'm sure liebe forgive you too

Liebe : yea yea whatever

Everyone then went back to their bases and completed their mission

Black clover : The adventure of Asta and LiebeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang