Shawn meets Son

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Shawn Hunter was a renowned photographer, poet, and writer. He was pacing in his study deep in thought. His best friend Cory was expecting his first child with Topanga any day, and he couldn't help but feel left out. "Cory has a job, a wife, and soon a kid. What do I have....?" He continued his thought process as he walked out of his apartment and went for a walk to his favorite café. As he walked it started to rain, and he heard a sound. It was a baby wailing. As he neared the sound of the crying, he saw a red haired woman put down the baby in a box in an alley way. She ran off, leaving the kid on its own. Shawn ran towards the baby shouting "HEY LADY!!! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE YOUR KID HERE!!!" It was no use however, she was gone. He turned around and began to approach the wailing baby. He picked it up. It had the beginnings of red hair and blue eyes. In that moment Shawn Hunter knew what he was missing. He smiled down at the kid and decided he would be what he never had. A stable father for this boy.  He carried the child home, and called Cory. "Hey Cor." "SHAWN!, How is my favorite person?" "Cor, I've found the missing piece of my life." "What do you mean Shawn?" " I found a baby boy abandoned by his mother, and I want to have someone I can be their for. I am going to adopt him and raise him as my own." Cory listened to his best friend pour out his soul about wanting to be a father and smiled. "Any idea for a name?" "Éamon William Hunter" A few weeks later Shawn was officially the father of one Éamon William Hunter, or as Topanga called him Gingersnap. Topanga was the most taken with him as she always adored red haired baby's. Cory was mad his godfather. Shawn was holding little baby Éamon as he visited the Matthew's. Topanga opened the door "How's my little gingersnap.", she said as she basically snatched him from Shawn. Shawn chuckled and said "I'm new at babies, but he sure is quiet, and stubborn." Topanga laughs as she rubs Éamon on the head. "I sure hope ours turns out this cute." Cory, Shawn, and Topanga all watched as Éamon fell asleep. Shawn was looking forward to being the best father he could. AuthorsNote:Please go easy on me as this is my first FanFiction. There will be time skips, and please constructive criticism only.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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