Fulfillment [part 2]

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((Sorry if I get some lines wrong. I sometimes find it hard to know what Terry or Jesse are saying for some reason, oKaY?! I'm watching the episode as I type wheeze- ALSO IK THIS IS SUPER LONG BUT DEAL WITH IT I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE A 3RD PART OF THIS SHIT CHAPTER -w- You'll be surprised how hard it is to have to keep pausing and unpausing this shit in order to write it out- this took me forever)

"Bye, guys!" you said, noticing the time.

"Aw, already?" Yumyulack asked.

"Well, yeah, unfortunately. It's ten-thirty already. Also, isn't Terry hosting that orgy slash fundraiser?"

"Oh, right... damn.." Yumyulack sighed. "See you tomorrow?" You nodded, putting on your shoes that you took off in the middle of a movie.

"Bye..." you mumbled, looking back at them before leaving. As soon as you left, Jesse turned towards Yumyulack with a smirk.

"I know," she said.

"I-... I don't know what you're talking about," he was about to get up.

"Hey, don't run away from your feelings, Yumyulack! You totally like..like her, don't you! You weren't even watching the movie most of the time! Your movie was...herrr," Jesse teased. Yumyulack blushed a little(somehow), turning away to hide it.

"I was looking at something else! It just.. looked like I was looking at her," he scoffed, crossing his arms. "I need to go hide in the room before those people show up."

"Good idea," Jesse groaned, standing up and running to the room.

You woke up, glad it was the weekend. You wanted to go to their house again so bad... but, you were confused on why. At first you thought it was just because you liked being there with your best friends... but then you remembered something.

Last night... I couldn't help but notice you noticing Yumyulack staring at you. I also noticed that you liked it.

I totally did, didn't I? But why?

The life of a horny teen is mysterious.

I-I'm not horny!

You just stuttered in your mind. How does someone do that?

I don't know!

Leave her alone. It's clear that this isn't just her being horny... who would be turned on by that, anyways? Wait, don't answer that! Just... I think Y/n has a crush on someone. I have a feeling it's Yumyulack, but it could be Jesse, too. Only Y/n knows.

Fuck, I better not be falling for him. I don't want to make it all awkward.

You're totally going to fuck up your relationship with him! Haha!

Would you be quiet?! Way to be a supportive friend, ugh. Y/n, listen.., It's okay to like him. Obviously, it's kind of weird, but it's still okay! Not every girl wants to date a weird alien! But, hey, you're just unique that way.

Unique as in weird. No wonder the only friends you've got are aliens.

Okay, you're lucky I can't beat the shit out of you, voice two.

Should I give you two names?

I've always liked the name Mina... and voice two bitch here can be Merlin, haha.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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