Secret Training (also Shiver Lyrics)

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Boyfriends pov

Wow pump is actually good at this thing, i dont know about this camdy man guy but he just sliced through 15 training stands in 7 minutes

Pump:mr boyfriend did you see that, i was cool

Boyfriend:yeah you are, should we clean this up

Pump:off course we should ot be rude , plus our secret will get exposed if we didnt

Well we finished and master our weapons and our corruptions powers for the night all that lets is singing

Well kind of obvious all i have to do is copy the arrows so maybe i should practice with pump, if skid is good i bet his best friend is... Also good? Oh cmon i dont wanna rate them

Boyfriend:im ready now pump, so what song are gonna sing, spookez, south?

Pump:actually before the corruption i made this song called shiver but im supposed to sing it woth know what sure lets do this can you keep up

Boyfriend:heck yeah i can right keith

Keith:yeah lets go

Song starts

Pump:get ready, the, feel shivers

Boyfriend:i am ready to win this battle

Bump:get ready to feel, fear in your bones

Keith:get ready to loose in this rap battle ha

Pump: feel the fear in your soul as you loose breathing

Bump:haha stutter each word and experience horror ha


Boyfriend:i may be out of his control but i can win any battle without help

Keith:oh really? Wonder what im doing now

Pump:dont get so chill, once you feel fear and guilt in your soul haha

Bump:this night is ours so better not be to confident

Keith:im not missing any notes or arrows, we might get a tie

Boyfriend:but there can only be one winner and its me

Pump:feel the chill of our spooky

Bump:amd scary month, you'll see demons, ghost

Pump:and blood all over the walls

Keith:your spooky month is already over

Boyfriend:why do you keep celebrating it anyway

Pump:cause its great and

Bump:non can beat our favorite months, right pump


Boyfriend:cant help it since your kids

Keith:check your icons your already loosing

Pump:well we're still gonna continue

Bump :whether we win or lose, so lets go end it the song

Boyfriend:i knew i would always win, guess i beat you but thats okay

Keith:you are still kids but i dont care anyway

Pump:if we are done, were both readyto save the world

Bump:are you ready to save your girlfriends

Boyfriend:off course i am, im always ready

Keith:too save our girls so lets continue training shall we

Pump:then kets go keep our secret club

Bump:and well show them who really is the boss

Keith :then lets go show them what were made off

Boyfriend :lets get to work and have some murder  fun

End song

Boyfriends pov

Boyfriend:wow pump you did great that was horrific

Pump:in a good way or bad way?

Boyfriend:in an awesome way, hi five

Pump jumped and we hi fived, this secret of ours is pretty cool but we might have to reveal it when were outside

Bump:so we gonna train or not

Boyfriend:yeah we will

:may i join

We jumped out of shock and looked behind us, it was senpai, whats he doing here oh wait

Pump:AAA m mr senpai oh no boyfriend our-

Senpai:nah its cool i wont tell, besides im supposed to train here too

Boyfriend:why in this time

Senpai:well i practice thorns powers for combat, though i do have a problem

After that some part of his red skin started glowing bright, and it stopped

Pump:what was that

Senpai:thorns and i fused our souls and thorns fell asleep inside me, but when he saw you he got angry, so i need you to resolve to him


Senpai:you have too cause one you promised you would save us but you didn't, and two is because of what your corruption did to my world, those students.... They came from the real world too they're just trapped like me.....but you left.... So its only fair

Boyfriend:oh i thought it was just both of you.... Alright fine

Senpai:okay thanks bf

Pico:ugh.... Hello is some one awake

Shit its pico he's awake

Boyfriend:um Keith take control

Pump :you too bump

Both took control and ran away leaving senpai behind and we went back to our dorms

Pico:what the helll why are you still awake

Senpai:U... UM.. UM I.. I WAS LOST YEAH LOST, i was trying to find the garden room

Pico:in the middle of the night?


pico:your weird kid, im going back to drinking royal, oh and the gardens in the second floor


i can here senpai just running

Keith:wth thats the worst acting ever

Boyfriend:oh he's actually good but i think not today since we completely ran hehehhe

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