Comincia dall'inizio

"perfection?" she walked up to him and looked at his chest, she raised her hands and buttoned two of his unbuttoned buttons. "your boobs are hanging out."

he crossed his arms over his chest in mock insecurity, "eyes up here, pervert."

"i was looking, respectively." she smiled.

cedric shook his head, "i won't be used for my body, woman."

harlow laughed, "come on, pretty boy, let's go."


cedric pushed open the door to the gryffindor common room. as soon as the two walked in the seemingly silent room, as they walked into it the music became loud and blaring.

"what do you wanna do first?" shouted cedric over the music.

"i don't know about you but i'm gonna get shitfaced." harlow replied, walking ahead, making her way through the crowded common room.

cedric pushed his way through the crowd trying to chase after her. he caught up to harlow and saw her pouring two shots of vodka, standing near a table. she held one out to him, he took it reluctantly.

"are you sure you should be drinking right now?" he asked.

she downed the shot then groaned, "ced, we've talked about this. you don't have to babysit me i'm fine."

"i'm just looking out for you-" he began.

she rolled her eyes, "i know, trust me, i know but i can look out for myself. now are you gonna drink that?"

he shook his hand and handed her the shot, she downed it and placed the shot glass on the table. harlow scrunched her nose at the taste of the bitter liquid. she took an empty red solo cup and filled it to the top with vodka.

"whoa, whoa." cedric said, "that's a bit much, isn't it?"

"please, what could possibly go wrong."


cedric held harlow's hair back while she was hunched over the toilet in the girls bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach. she opened her eyes and looked in the toilet at the lunch she had earlier that day. cedric let go of her hair as she groaned and sat back on the floor.

"gross." she slurred, cedric couldn't help but laugh at her in her drunken state. harlow sat her back against side the bathroom stall, next to cedric.

"hey lo?" he said quietly.


"can i tell you something?" he asked.


cedric chuckled, "you know how there was a part that you don't remember about when i found you, i kissed you."

harlow face went hard, "why are you telling me this?"

"because i know you won't remember any of this is the morning." he replied with smile.

harlow gave him a drunken smiled back, "can i tell you something?"

"yeah." he chuckled.

"i lied, i remember when you kissed me." she let out a slurred laughed.

cedric's smile faded off of his face, "what?"

harlow stopped laughing, "what?" she slurred.

"why would you do that?" he asked.

she scoffed, "because you can't just do that."

"do what? kiss you?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

she nodded sluggishly, "you can't just do that and change everything."

"look lo, if you're not into me like that you could've just said that."

she laughed, "really? you're choosing now to be humble?"

"what's so funny?" he asked.

"ced, when has someone not been into you like that." she stammered. "i mean look at you, has anyone not wanted you in your life?"

he thought about it, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"that has everything to do with it." she scoffed, "you can't just play me like you do everyone else ced, i won't let you."

he shook his head and began speaking, "i wouldn't play you."

she laughed, "you say that now, but what about in a month or two when you lose interest and decide to go after the next girl?"

"you're different-" he said.

she cut him off and laughed again, "let me guess? 'i'm not like other girls' that's bullshit."

they sat in silence for a few minutes, cedric groaned and put his head against the stall. he didn't know what to say to make her believe him. maybe she had a point he thought, maybe he just liked the thought of the chase, the idea of getting with her, not staying with her.

he shook his head, "you're wrong about me, i'll prove it."

she smiled a him sympathetically, "even if you do, everything i touch turns to poison. what if i allow myself to feel that tiniest bit of happiness by allowing myself to be with you, and you turn toxic too, just like my brother, hermione, ron, my aunt and uncle, and my cousin all did."

he grabbed her chin and made him face her, "none of that is your fault."

her eyes were glazed over and her breath smelled like cheap alcohol, "but it is."

cedric looked down at his watch and saw the time, exactly 12:00. harlow was looking at his watch too. he put his hands on her cheeks and planted a light kiss on her forehead. he pulled away from her forehead and looked down at her. her eyes were shut, she had fallen asleep.

"happy new years, lo."

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora