☆| How they ask you out

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Naib Subedar

-Not a very romantic person himself
-But probably try to be one
-Would prepare flowers for you
-Would prefer to ask you out privately; because he gotta keep his crush on you a secret.
-Would try to give you signs about his feelings before the confession, hoping that you would confess first XD
-Holds your hand, looks at your eyes and dearly said the confession.
-won't say the 3 words but will say it back if you do
-If you say yes, he would give you a smile no one have ever seen, his eyes would spark in an instant.
-If you say no, he would be absolutely hearth broken
-He won't cry, but his hearth would ache.( cry in the inside I guess.)
-Out of embarrassment and disappointment, he would avoid you for a while.
-Also,before the confession ; he would ask Kevin and the other male nor females about such topics.
-"What flowers does all female like?"
-"Kevin,teach me how to flirt."
-"Do my hair."
-Yes, he even put aside his pride for his (Y/N). And what makes this funny, is how straight forward he is ,ofc the other survivors were bamboozled ; the tough mercenary is asking weird stuffs.
-He is unexperienced on love so probably would practice his kissing (LOL)
-As bold as he is, in the end of the day he would only kiss you on the forehead anyway.
-For Naib, your safety and health is his top priority.He realized this so even if you reject him, he would always watch you with his eagle eyes; in the distance.
"Never thought I'd be saying this in my life...but (Y/N) Would you let me protect you for the rest of my life?
Would you say yes?
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Norton Campbell

-Really clueless
-Unlike others, Norton is ok with staying freinds with you as long as you stay by his side.
-But turns out he can't stand seeing you with someone else
-People see him as a quiet gloomy, fake smiling person but when you're around, he becomes very cheerfull and outgoing.
-Would not try to be romantic because he knows you love him the way he is.
-But his anxiety said the opposite
-So expect him to say cheesy lines
-As said before,Norton is a good actor; capable of hiding his true self with a sometimes gloomy and smiling facade.
-Unfortunately, when he confesses, his face remains an empty smile due to habit, but he knows you know every single word he said was genuine and that you understand this.
-If you say yes, he would hug you so tightly you thought you're gonna die.
-The confession aftermath is going to be good, Norton would be very happy ; having a family with you meant that he's finnaly able to change his fate and not die alone like the old miners.
-So don't be surprise when he propose to you a week later.
-But if you say no, he would revert to his gloomy side ; thinking that nothing in life have ever been good to him and how many misfortunes he had.
-Norton's original goal is wealth but when he met you, his goal changes as time goes by.
-Norton had endured so many things in order to find gold, yet he finnaly found one, you.
-For him, you were definitely worth the wait.
"You know, I'm kind of glad I came here to the manor. I finnaly got to find the prettiest gem....
The gem is you, You're my diamond (Y/N)"

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Eli Clark

-Extremely experienced in showing affection
-so confessing to you is just like any other day.
-But this is a big deal to him, he'll do anything to surprise you and bring a smile to your face.
-Although he can't see, he'll take of his blindfold while confessing and cupping your hand ;this shows how much he loves you.
-He tells himself not to be nervous, because obviously he can see the future and hear your answer before anyone does ; yet here he is sweating uncontrollably.
-If the vision he sees is a yes, he'll be more bold and less nervous when confessing.
-If the vision he sees is a no, He would not confess at all, afraid to be rejected again.
-But being a wise man, he told himslef to wait a little more longer since fate still wants you guys apart.
-He'll check the visions every night, hoping for a different answer.
-Eli is a understanding and caring partner, he is really mature and the best thing about him is His cute pet owl.
-He always let you pet his owl ; who am I kidding he let's everyone pet Brooke rose. But VIP only for you.
-You ussualy talk to him when you need advice , the seer is always happy sharing his wisdom with you.
-But if it's about love, concern will grow in him, he won't show it though.
-He would chose the best scenarios for the confession For example that time when you were about to fall, he immediately catched you as if he had forseen this (he did).That'll make him look very romantic and cool.
-"I came here to regain my sight,and good news, I found it! My sight is on you (Y/N)!"
-Wanted to say that but the bby ain't that bold
-His confession is probably more calm and caring, unlike the others he'll  pressed his head againts yours to calm your flustered face down as he wait for your answer.
-His confession is a bit different from the others but is very sweet.the perfect confession.
"I've cared for you ever since we've met, You're kind and caring, I love every single momment I spent with you. I may not see clearly but I know how bright our future is together, wouldn't you say the same?"

Would you say yes?
Yes / No

Aesop Carl

-Aesop is the type of people who will not confess until his crush do so
-Just like Andrew and Victor he's extremely shy and scared of rejection.
-But if he sees you getting closer with another person, he'll finnaly have the courage to ask you out before anyone does (Andrew probably would just give up ToT)
- Afterall 'The early bird catches the worm.'
-With that motto he'll be determined to confess.
-He isn't a romantic type
-Because he already is romantic from the start even when it's unintentional
-God does this even make sense ^v^)?
-He would NEVER confess at PUBLIC.
-he's really paranoid about the whole confession
-More likely to confess in the sunset, inside of the manor libary filled with large windows.
-The sun reflect it's light on the windows making the room looks quiet and warm.
-Expect Aesop standing there with yellow roses in hand.
-His confession is less nerve wreaking and quiet.
-Definitely akward tho
You sure look pretty
Would you like to rest at my coffin?
So that I could carry you everywhere I go..."

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