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Few things in life were capable of annoying me to no end. One of them was Suna Rintarou.

Another paper ball flew into my desk. I finally decided to turn around and cast a murderous glance at the boy sitting two rows behind me. Suna smiled mockingly, then brought his gaze back to the teacher as if nothing had happened, glad to have simply distracted me.
Rolling my eyes, I returned my attention to the blackboard.
What a child, I thought.
Suna and I had known each other since the first year of highschool, when (unfortunately) we had ended up in the same class. He barely spoke to me during the first year, but his bravado grew more and more until he became the insufferable jerk he was now. I wondered how my brother Osamu could stand him in class, at volleyball practice and even outside of school since they were always together.
After class was over, the last lesson of the day, I walked towards the gym. I studied there every day while my brothers had practice. I preferred it to going home to be all alone until the evening. Our parents worked late, so if the twins were out, the house was completely empty and quiet.
When practice ended, I joined Osamu to go home together.
«Is he still staying?» I asked, pointing to Atsumu, intent on making a few throws on serve.
«As usual,» the other twin replied.
Suna came towards us.
«Let's go,» Osamu sentenced.
I wasn't surprised when Suna walked along with us. He came almost every night to have dinner at our house, for whatever reason. When I asked my brothers about it, they said, "His house is far away. Besides, he's our friend, we like having him around. Obviously I didn't like it, but no one ever asked my opinion about it. The only good thing was that when my brothers were around, Suna didn't bother me as much. He knew they would stand up for me if they saw me angry, so he would just throw a few sarcastic remarks at me and give me silly childish spite when the twins weren't looking.
There were no seats on the bus, but it didn't matter. It wasn't a long ride from the school to our house, so I slipped on my headphones while Suna and Osamu chatted quietly.
After only a couple of minutes, Suna ripped off one of my headphones and put it on to listen to my music.
«I didn't expect you to have a good music taste, [Y/n]-chan.»
I took the headphone back and flipt him off. «I told you to stop calling me that.»
Suna replied, but I didn't hear him since I had turned the volume up to maximum.

When we got home, I rushed to my room to change. The school uniform was cute, but uncomfortable. I slipped on some sweatpants and one of 'Tsumu - or 'Samu? - whatever - an old T-shirt.
Suna had seen me in my home clothes countless times, much that the jokes about them had become monotonous and he had stopped making them. Plus, he couldn't really tell me anything since he was always dressed like that when he left the gym, too.
The guys took a shower while I started cooking. Osamu was usually the chef, so I just heated up the leftovers from the night before.
Suna walked into the kitchen with his hair wet and a towel around his neck.
«What are you cooking, [Y/n]-chan?» he asked as he approached and jutted his head from over my shoulder to peek in.
«Call me that again and I'll poison your food.»
«I could swap mine and Osamu's plates.»
«You wouldn't do that to your best friend,» I challenged him pointing a wooden spoon at his chest.
«All's fair in love and war, [Y/n]-chan,» he replied, raising his hands as if I were pointing a gun at him. A playful smile made its way onto his face.
I lowered the spoon and returned my attention to the food, huffing. «You look like a dog with wet hair.»
Suna leaned against the kitchen countertop beside me. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he moved his brown hair back with his hand.
Was he a pretty boy? Yes, very. I had good enough eyesight to notice him. But was he also an annoying piece of shit? Absolutely.
Osamu walked into the kitchen just as I was turning off the stove and putting things on the table. I made a plate for Atsumu as well and covered it, hoping it wouldn't get too cold by the time he arrived home.
We ate in silence and spent the rest of the evening playing video games in the living room.

Atsumu arrived two hours later and took his dinner to his room without talking much, which was unusual. I was about to get up and go check to see if he was okay, but Osamu was quicker.
«Did something happen that I didn't notice at practice?» I asked Suna, falling back onto the couch.
He shrugged, putting down the joystick. «He's been a little under the weather lately. I think it mainly has to do with the fact that Osamu decided not to continue with volleyball after highschool.»
«Mhm,» I said, lost in my thoughts.
It was fun to see my brothers bickering over little things, but I hated it when they fought seriously, which happened a lot lately.
«It will get better, you'll see,» Suna reassured me.
Wait - Suna was reassuring me? This was something new.
«Are you sure?» I asked.
«Yep. This is the Miya twins we're talking about, after all.»
Maybe he was right. I wouldn't have admitted it, of course, but those words eased me a little.

Suna left late, as usual. I said goodnight to Osamu and went upstairs to brush my teeth and go to sleep. I heard noises coming from the twins' room, so I knocked softly on the door and went in.
Atsumu was lying in bed watching a volleyball video on the computer. He paused it to turn his attention to me.
«Everything okay, sis?»
I nodded and sat down next to him. «I just wanted to see how you were doing. Do you feel like talking?»
Atsumu smiled slightly at me. He looked really tired. «Not really. I was just about to put myself to sleep.»
I looked at him for a moment. I knew he was lying, but I didn't say anything about it. The fact that he wasn't making a scene meant that he was really sad.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and wished him a good night, then went to my room.
For some reason Suna's words came to my mind: "It will get better, you'll see". Only then I manage to fall asleep.

This is my first fanfiction and also English isn't my first language so be nice and be patient :)
I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll try and update once per week or so.
See you next chapter! <3

sour boy | suna rintarou (eng)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora