Harry is currently situated on the farthest and highest one up, slouching in his seat.

Just distract yourself, do what you always do. 

His eyes start roaming over the many new and unfamiliar faces of the large room, always curious and fascinated by how there are so many people in this world, yet pretty much everyone looks so different. 

He takes out a small leather bound book and opens it up to the next marked page. He gets his pencil as well, focusing his attention on a girl who sits on her desk, legs dangling from it as she faces him, reading a book. 

His eyes continuously flick back and forth from his paper to her features, the world around his ears being completely blocked out from his brain. 

He didn't realize that class started thirty minutes later than he thought, but he didn't want to walk back, so he decided to sit here and watch everyone come in. 

He feels a presence of someone beside him, and his whole body tenses as he continues to draw, not wanting this person to bring attention to him. 

"You're good at that. Looks just like her." Someone says, and Harry flinches the smallest, most unnoticeable amount at another boy's voice, somewhat high, yet firm. 

He doesn't say anything, doesn't even turn to the voice as he continues to draw the focused look upon the girl's face. 

"Are you new here? Haven't seen your kind around campus." The boy says and Harry can feel him sit in the chair beside his own. He doesn't look up though, he doesn't see the stranger's face, nor do they see his. 

The boy says 'his kind' because he most definitely hasn't seen any tall, curly headed boys walking around, but he's not afraid to talk to the first one. 

Harry mildly panics. It's not his fault he's scared to talk to random people who know nothing about him. He'll say one word and they'll immediately turn around and walk away. 

It's happened before, it can happen again. 

The boy must hear Harry's breath quickening slightly as there is now a hand on his shoulder and a comforting voice near his ear. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I don't want to freak you out. I just thought you'd like someone to talk to. You look nice, I won't bite." He says, laughing softly trying to ease Harry's mind. 

Harry mentally hits himself repeatedly on the head with a metal tray for being really uncool right now. He takes in a deep breath before turning his head to the right. 

"I'm sorry, I guess you could say I'm quite shy." He pretty much whispers as his eyes land upon the face of the comforting boy's. 

He tries not to squeak aloud as he sees the cutest, hottest, blue-eyed boy sitting beside him. 

Great, he's hot, now that's gonna make me even more nervous. Harry thinks to himself. 

He doesn't say anything as the blue-eyed boy laughs. "That's alright, a lot of people are. I still get my moments of fear." He says softly, acting quite kind to Harry, which gives the green eyed boy comfort.

They both seem to notice how the boy's hand is still on Harry's shoulder and he quickly removes it, offering a shy smile. 

"So," The boy tries to break the moment of silence, "What's your name? Year?" He asks, leaning his arm on the desk as he swivels like a child in the chair. 

"Um," Harry starts, trying to tear his yes away from the muscles protruding this boy's t-shirt and back to his face. 

He only then notices some small features of his face, some things that look eerily familiar, but he has no idea what it could possibly be. All I know is that he looks familiar. 

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