Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! as you know from my authors note at the end of this book I am restarting it. everyone that has read the horrible original version, it has changed. the plot? meh. I don't remember what I was doing with this book. as I was 10 when I wrote it! Im 13 now. I hope everyone likes the newer version. also, the pic above this text will not delete so just ignore it! bye!

"Miiika...~" a low, male voice sang out in the oblivion in front of me. I stared out into the dark void of nothingness, look for the source of the voice.

"H-hello? Anyone?" i spoke out, calling anyone near to show their presence. The low humming I didn't even notice was there stopped, signifing that whoever that was has gone. I sighed in relief, praying it would stay gone.

The humming soon returned as did the feeling of death and fear with it. I shivered and closed my eyes, my childhood instinct kicking in as it would do everytime I was scared. "it's almost time my sweet Mikaa...~!" the low male voice sang once more. I opened my eyes to see blazing red ones staring back at me. I screamed internally.

"Time for what?" I ask it, not knowing what it might answer.

"All will come. . .in time Mikaa. . .~!" his hellish voice sang once more as he left me staring out into the dark oblivion.

I opened my green eyes to stare at the white celing which is my bedroom. I sighed in relief that I didn't have to worry about the uknown man with the red eyes. I shuddered at the memory, wanting nothing to do with it.

I turn over on my right side to see my roommate, Yuki Cross still asleep. 'It's 5:45! I should still be asleep!' I thought to myself. I do not want to relive my nightmare I just had, so I decided to wait it out till 7 o' clock. 30 minutes till class starts and the usual time Yuki awakes.

I rummaged through my dresser till I found my black hod die and my turquoise yoga pants. I slid off my blue nightgown and yellow undies and traded them out for my red lace ones. I put a white plain tshirt on and grabbed my zip up black jacket. I put on my yoga pants snd sandals. I exit my door and tip toe through the hallway of the day class girls dormitory.

I finally reach the exit door to the outside after getting lost a few times. I open the door quietly and run outside. I smile at the fresh air I haven't been getting lately.

"Lookie here Atakuski. We have a night owl on our hands." I hear a high voice say. I turn around and glare at them.

"What do you want?" I ask rudely. it's Hanabusa Aido, one of the mischievous vampires.

"Ooh she's fisety! Me likey~!" He growls seductively which probably would have made any girl faint but not me!

"Well me DO NOT likey. Can you please get your ugly arses out of here do doing can enjoy the night?" I say. I flip my black hair back, warning them. They both laugh. I growl. there amusement in this situation is annoying me. I raise my hand.

"Ooh what's the little human gonna do-" he gets cut off by a blazing ball of fore is thrown at him. I laugh.

" I'm no human, Aido-kun."

Word Count: 574

Word Count: 574

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A New Vampire Knight Princess (Kaname x Zero x Takuma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now