Singer Toono (angst)

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Where the club passed by Toono's room and heard him sing.
Also this is a Given AU, where Toono is basically Mafuyu, but instead of the Given casts it's OC's.

Toono POV
The Yaribu just finished the 'club meeting', seems more like a sex dungeon to me.

"Hey Toono!"
I heard from behind me.

I see Kashima running towards me with a huge smile, he slings his arm around my shoulder and ruffles my hair.

"Stop Kashima!"

"Gomen gomen, hey wanna hang out later?"
Kashima said, I saw a hint of red on his face

"Sorry Kashima, I have homework to do. Maybe next time?"

"Oh I see, alright see you tomorrow then Toono!"

"Yeah, bye"
I said walking faster to my dorm.

'Sorry Kashima, I'm not ready for another relationship yet, I need more time'

I went to my dorm and closes the door, I plopped onto the bed. I woke up realizing I slept for an hour and groaned as I got up to do the homework.

Thankfully the homework is poetry, our teacher told us to write a poem with the theme being 'heartbreak'.
I looked around the room for inspiration and my eyes landed on the guitar leaning against the wall, nothing else is coming to me so, I guess.

Without noticing, I started humming while writing.

3rd POV
The Yaribu was going to Akemi's dorm, Kashima texted Toono about the meet up but Toono responded with :
'I have homework sorry, you can go if you want'

They came back from their meet up and they passed Toono's room and heard singing, Yuri was the first to attach his ear to the door and he makes a noise of interest.

The others began listening closely to the voice, and they heard Toono's voice singing.

"What are you guys doing?"
A voice was heard.

It was Yaguchi or Yacchan as he likes to be called, they all shushed at him and pointed to the door. Yacchan is now listening in too, they all heard his voice again.

"Anata no subete ga~
Ashita o nakushite~"
They heard from behind the door.

His voice sounds so angelic, yet there I a hint of sadness in them. They all listened in until they heard footsteps, they all scrambled to get out of there and they went and hid.
Toono opens his door and looks around for anyone, he shrugs his shoulders and closed the door.

The next day, Toono hands in his poem and after that he paid no attention to the teacher explaining the lesson, instead he just stares out the window.
Classes are over and everyone scrambled to get out of class, one of them is Toono, but the teacher stopped them.

"Now, before you all go I have some announcement to make"
The teacher said, her voice loud and clear.

People starts murmuring about what the announcement could be, Yacchan noticed something is off with Toono today.

"The school has been given the opportunity to open an Art Festival this year!"

Sounds of interest could be heard from the students, including Toono.

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