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Osman heard Ilbilge Hatun's voice from the other room. It wasn't her firm voice, more like a soft one he had never heard before. He glanced at Gunduz and Savci, then went out to the other room.

His Baba and Ilbilge Hatun sat side by side on their bed. Ertugrul Bey patted in front of him, and Osman sat down.

"As you know, oğul, Umur Bey is staying here for a visit. We have come up with a peace and unity agreement, but I want your thought on it."

What could my Baba and Umur Bey have come up with that they need MY opinion, thought Osman. However, he let Ilbilge continue.

"They want you to marry with Umur Bey's daughter, Osman." She said in a rush, as if she was scared to say it. "What the heck Baba, I am only 13!!"

Ilbilge and Ertugrul laughed. "Not right now, son. Later. When you have grown up."

As Osman returned to his bedroom he shared with his brothers, he couldn't help thinking. Ertugrul Bey and Ilbilge Hatun had had an arranged marriage. It turned out fine. However, Gunduz always said that it was obvious Ertugrul didn't love her. He was the only one that remembered their mother, Halime Sultan. The only affection Ertugrul Bey showed to Ilbilge Hatun was an occasional kiss on the forehead.

However, his Baba had commanded it and it was good for the tribe. Osman and Malhun would marry.


Almost 15 years had passed, and Osman had gotten married to Malhun. He respected the Hatun, and made sure to show affection to her. She was always by his side, and she was now. So Osman felt bad when he couldn't get her off of his mind.

Earlier in the week, Osman and Aybars were ambushed. Unfortunately, Aybars has passed and Bamsi Bey had become the father of a martyr. Osman Bey might've also died, if a nun hadn't stopped her path to save him. Her black eyes sparkled as she wiped the mud off of his face. Her hands were filled with warmth. Her words were filled with kindness. Osman's face flushed whenever he thought about her.

It was love.

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