
Start from the beginning

But, in this rare case, Selene had not come down from breakfast like she had planned, twenty minutes prior, so Corrina thought it best to make sure, her daughter was well out of bed, and was possibly just running a tad behind schedule, however strange that concept was.

Despite hitting herself, and complaining about her own stupidity for another minute, Selene had very much reasons for being so fatigued that not even her six alarms had the ability to wake her from such a placid slumber that she didn't usually get to enjoy since she was a werewolf and all.

Not but two nights ago was a full moon ─ a draining act that she had to suffer once a month. So to her pretty shitty luck, the month of August 1977 bestowed this "heavenly body" that portend Selene only two days before she would be returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The effects of a full moon on one that suffers the hardship of Lycanthropy rot the days before and after transformations. Despite the pain of freshly carved scars that brandished her arms, legs, and neck wearing off within the first hours with the aid of her mother's bandages and special pumpkin soup, Selene was restless. She slept well the first night, and even better the next. Selene just didn't have long to relax before she had to show her face again and socialize.

Living in the classic English countryside had several perks. Besides the gorgeous views, Selene had from her bedroom window that overlooked acres of fields and woods that glowed green and brown in the sun, expanded her lungs and made her skin glow, and her mid-century modern home that had hints of a long line of Tudor history hidden away in its walls and roof, the countryside was vast. Vast enough to hide in. The woods weren't as eerie as the Forbidden Forest in Scotland but were still big enough to get lost in. The Vervain house was buried in fields. In fact, it was the only house for a mile on either side. No one saw or heard her when she transformed into what she was in the woods. Not even Mr. Baker ─ the farmer, Muggle, and father of two, that lived the closest to them.

With a haste discard of her duvet cover to the other side of her bed, Selene heaved herself off of the warmth of her mattress that had provided her with such comfort for nine long and precious hours, and began with her shortened down, and much more hurried routine, beginning with a much-needed shower.

The warm cascades of water was about the only thing she enjoyed in her world of trouble. That and of course school - the academic part mostly. She was too ashamed of what she was to talk to most people, despite them completely unaware of the monster that she saw herself as.

Still with several hints of stinging pain when the water trickled over her most recent scars, Selene enjoyed the three minutes she had, before she nimbly did everything else.

The one thing she did let herself have, was the pre-packing of all of her bags. This, she did pat herself on the back for, seeing as she was pissed at herself for everything else. It saved her masses of time and everything was ready at the door. Even Clyde ─ Selene's black tabby cat ─ had his bags packed, but was currently malting profusely, and decorating the clean white bedsheets with his stray black furs.

Selene's dormancy was most definitely enjoyed and very much needed, but the stresses of doing a two-hour morning routine in ten short minutes were not worth the relaxation.

"Selene, dear?" her mother shouted up again from the foot of the wooden staircase. Upon getting no answer, Corrina began ascending the steps, each taken notch accompanied by a creak of the floorboards.

As Selene frantically got dressed and then began concealing as much of her scars as she could, Corrina approached the doorway, standing in the frame, staring at her daughter. "You're a bit slow today. Everything okay?" she asked sweetly, minus the urgency.

"I'm fine, mum. Really. Just woke up late," Selene replied, as she rolled down the top part of the fabric that made up her turtle neck jumper, to reveal the scars that stared at her via the glinting mirror.

She began applying a light coat of this Muggle makeup her mother had bought from the Market down the road, in hopes that it could pose as useful for Selene because Corrina knew just how much her daughter was insecure about her scars. It didn't do much as they weren't red anymore but rather indents into her skin, and Selene could only assume that Muggles created the product to cover up minimal blemishes that they were apprehensive about - not for a teenage witch to use to mask scars she had created herself when she transformed into a werewolf. Selene appreciated the gesture and used it all the less.

"Okay, well, we're leaving in five," Corrina spoke in a soft, almost understanding tone to her daughter. She thought there was no need for imperativeness when it came to her daughter, nor did she think rushing her was a good idea either. Selene's seventh year at Hogwarts was beginning, and that came with several full moons where she would be very far from her daughter. But at least it was her final one.

Selene made an inaudible nod to her mother, just before she descended down the steps, the creaks continuing for a few seconds longer, until they finished, indicating Corrina had returned to the kitchen.

The car journey to Kings Cross station was slower than it should be. As eleven o'clock dawned nearer with each bump in the road, Selene was the only wizard in the car with any signs of stress.

Colton Vervain, currently driving his 1921 Hudson that he took so much pride in it was almost sad, was trying to reassure his daughter that they would be there in plenty of time before the train left, as Selene continuously tapped her foot on the carpeted floor. But none of his words seemed to work.

"Honey, we have twenty minutes till it leaves, and we're two minutes away." Colton tried to bolster his daughter's attitude, as he gestured to the clear road ahead of them, a few Muggles hazily driving along the streets of London going about their days.

Selene gazed into a few car windows and scanned around outside of her own ─ admiring the life going by. Men and women in neat suits were striding along the pavement, coffee cups in hand. A few women were pushing prams around, as they hurried into buildings.

They passed a quaint little shop, people sat in the windows. One woman was reading a book, as a half-eaten muffin sat on the table in front of her. Selene could almost smell the mixed aroma of blueberries and coffee beans as they glided along the road, and the shop was out of sight.

London was a fascinating place.

As Kings Cross Station came into view, Selene's fears dawned upon her, like a first-year, starting at a new school ─ the transfer from little school to big school suddenly posing as a huge threat. But she wasn't eleven, she was seventeen. And she wasn't a first year, she was a seventh-year.

Maybe she wouldn't be so scared if she wasn't a werewolf. Yes, that's probably it.

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