𝚜𝚒𝚡: 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚝...

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A group of girls walked up to us. One said, "Excuse me, but you look like someone I know."

"Who do I remind you of?" Tommy asked.

The girl turned around, looking at her friends, her eyes wide. His accent probably gave it away.

"This youtuber named TommyInnit," she said.

"I'm afraid that that's me," He said.

"Oh! I watched your stream the other day, so that must be Lindsey!" she said, recognizing me.

It was very weird. Most of the people in my grade had to work to even remember my name.

"I am," I finally said.

"Can we get a picture with both of you?" she asked.

"Of course! I mean, if that's all right with you," he added.

"It is," I agreed.

We took a picture together.

"There's one more thing that my friend wanted me to ask you," she continued.

"What's that?" Tommy asked.

"Are you and her, you know, dating?"

I resisted the urge to say 'I wish'.

"It depends," he said.

That definitely caught me off guard. My expression must have been priceless because Tommy burst out laughing.

"I- I don't know what that means. He said it, not me," I told her.

"It means it was meant to make you react like that. I got the reaction I was hoping for," he explained. "As of right now, we are not dating."

I could swear the girl looked almost disappointed.

"Thanks for everything!" she called as she walked back to her friends.

"That was so funny! You were so flustered!" he said. "Also, I've been keeping score of how many times I've done that. So far it's at five."

"No way. It hasn't been that many," I crossed my arms.

"I can name them all. When you first met me, when I asked about your love life at the seafood restaurant, when I carried you in the ocean, when I asked about the Tommy Paper, and now. Although I'm sure there have been much more that I didn't catch," he recalled.

He, unfortunately, was right.

I changed the subject. "Let's go ride the roller coaster over there."

I pointed to a very tall roller coaster.

"Good idea," he said.

A chilly wind blew through the park. Goosebumps raised on my arms.

"Here. Just wear my sweatshirt," he said.

He handed me his red and white sweatshirt.

"Won't you get cold?" I asked.

"No. The cold never bothered me anyways."

I laughed. "Did you just quote Frozen?"

"Yeah. You have a problem with that?" he asked.

"No. Not at all, Elsa."

I put on the sweatshirt. It was obviously way too big because he was nearly a foot taller than me. We stood in line for the roller coaster.

"Are you sure you want to do this roller coaster?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure. Why?" I asked.

"It's just really tall and could be scary to you," he explained.

"Tommy, I think you're the one who's scared," I said.

We got closer to the ride.

"I'm going to ask a favor from you and you have to promise me not to get weirded out by it," he announced.

"Alright, I promise. What is it?" I asked suspiciously.

"Would you, um, hold my hand?" he asked carefully.

"That's one point for me," I said out loud.

"A point of what?" he inquired.

"Making you flustered. It's five to one now," I explained.

"I'm not flustered, it's just that I'm- uh, scared of heights," he admitted.

The line shuffled closer. Tommy quickly grabbed on to my hand.

He looked down. "Why are your hands so cold?"

I shrugged. "They always are."

"I don't think we should do this," he said as the line moved forward.

"It's only fair that you do it. You made me go into the ocean, so you're going on this roller coaster," I persisted.

We were finally at the roller coaster. I almost had to drag him into the seats. I wanted to tell him what I tell myself all the time when I have to do something I don't want to do. I always tell myself 'Do it for Tommy'. That was kind of hard to do now, because he was Tommy. I looked over. His hands were tight on the lap bar. His eyes were shut.

"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. You can always leave now," I said quietly.

"No. I'm going to do it," he decided.

"I'm going to make a bet. If I don't scream this entire ride, you have to buy me ice cream. If I do scream-" I started.

"I'll force you to sing Helpless to me, me being Hamilton and you being Eliza!" he interjected.

"Fine," I grumbled.

He beamed. "I'll definitely get some points when that happens."

"If," I corrected. "If that happens."

The ride started off slowly. We rose up a tall hill. Tommy looked a little less nervous, but he was still very tense. After the top of the hill, we plummeted down. I resisted the urge to scream. It was all going fine until we went up a hill, but as the cart was going down, it made a sharp left. I screamed. I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth. He looked over, grinning like crazy. The ride came to a stop.

"That was amazing!" he first shouted. "Also, I'm fairly certain that I heard you scream."

I buried my head in my hands.

"I don't think that was me," I tried.

"Oh, it was," he said. "Since I see myself as a generally nice person, I won't make you do it until we get back to the house."

We rode a few more rides and met up with the others at the park entrance.

"Did you guys have a good time?" my mom asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for taking us!" I responded.

My mom smiled. "We thought you'd like it."

I rode in Tommy's car on the way back. I was not looking forward to being back. We pulled up into the driveway and walked inside.

"Are you ready for your big performance?" he asked.

"No. Not at all," I told him.

"That's great!"

Spring Break // Helpless (Tommyinnit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now