"What?" I say

"Nothing, it's just I can't believe your mine, but it's really not mine or yours. That's the thing. I just said your mine but really we are both each other's. Your mine and I'm yours."

"Ok thanks for the essay teach" I say laughing 

"Ok, ok fine. But really"

"Your right, and always will be, but right now can I be yours" I ask

He doesn't say anything but I think he murmured "yes"  but I couldn't tell. He kissed me too fast but I think that's what he said.

I let go and put my forehead to his. I'm sitting on top of him as I lift my forehead off him and roll off.

He kisses me again. 

I kiss him back and soon after I let go and put my head on his chest. He pulls the covers over us and we fall asleep.


I wake up to sun light beaming down into the brightly lit room. 

I rub my hand on my eyes and feel someone on me. Wait what happened?

Ohhh ya... I sigh and look up at Finn already awake and I'm his phone. 

"Hi" I say grinning 

"Hi" he says mocking my tone. He's too cute

I dig my face into his chest and blow onto his stomach with my mouth causing him to freak out and fall off the bed. 

"Oh so that's how you want to play? It's on" he says grabbing me and I squeal.

"Ahhh no! No tickling! I'm sorry!! Ahhh" I scream

"Too late!!" He says jumping on me and tickling me. I laugh and scream no but he doesn't stop. I keep laughing uncontrollably until he stops.

"No way you can just stop without payback" I say smirking. I grab a pillow and start hitting him with it. He grabs another one and jumps back on the bed with me.

I stand up with him and hit him with my pillow. We both laugh as I try to smash him with my pillow. I hit him in the leg and he falls down on the bed.

He grabs my leg and yanks me down, I scream and fall on the bed next to him. I laugh and roll over to look at Finn. 

"What time is it" I ask him

"Umm.." he looks at his phone and tells me "we have 2 hours to get ready until we start shooting"

"Ok um can I wear one of your hoodies just so I can walk to my trailer?"

"Ok, how about my latest addition.... calpurnia!!" He says kneeling and holding out his sweatshirt to me.

I giggle and pull it over me, I stand up and tell him I'll be right back. Then I open the door and run to my trailer.

I open my door and close it behind me. I take the hoodie off and put some pants and a shirt on. I slip the hoodie back on and walk outside towards finn's trailer again.

I open the door and yell, "hurry up! I'm going to start walking to the set to get into eleven!" 

"Ok, ok! I'm almost ready!" He says back, then a minute after he domes out wearing also a calpurnia hoodie.

I grab his hand and skip towards the set. I hop up onto the steps and knock on my changing room. My dressers are already there and it seems like finn's are too.

"Ok I'm going to get ready, bye mills see you in a sec!" She says letting go of my hand and going into his changing room to close the door behind him.

"Bye!" I say as he shuts the door.

I walk inside and close the door. I take his hoodie off and turn to one lady holding out el's outfit for today.

I go into the changing room and take my clothes off. I hear so,e one go into the other room and I realize it's Finn.

"Hey Finnie!" I say over the stall doors.

"Hey mills!" He yells back as our voices echo in the empty bathroom.

"Can I see mikes outfit? I'll show you el's?" I ask

"I'm not changed yet" he says

"Well I am, can I just go in with you?" I lie

"Um no way. You know how I hate seeing people with no clothes on, and I know your lying!! You did it before."

"No im not..!" I slide under the stall door dragging my clothes with me. 

"HEY!" he yells, "I TOLD YOU IM NOT DRESSED! AND YOUR NOT EITHER!!" he says shielding his face up with his hands

I laugh and say, "we already saw each other like this last night, chill"

"No millie!! Get dressed I'm not looking!!" He says turning abound still shielding his face.

"Ok fine.." I say pulling my clothes over me. "I'm really done. I pinky promise!" I say walking up to him and grabbing his hand, forming a pinky with mine. He holds his pinky out and clamps it to mine

"Ok... I'm turning around now..." he says and I laugh. 

"You know your still not dressed" I say laughing 

"Oh-" he says turning around and putting his pants on. 

"Bye" I say kissing his cheek and sliding back under and walking out.

When I get vpback to my changing room I sit down in a chair and plug my phone in. I get on it and wait a hour or too until my hair and make up is done.

After my make up and everything is done I walk out and see Finn, Noah, Sadie, gaten and everybody else already ready and in costume

Matt comes over and tells reminds me to look over my script before rolling and I do.

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