"This is perfect!"Nene said chuckling wearing the shoe

"What do you wanna get next?"Aina asked

"A matching veil"Nene said chuckling and Mercy rolled her eyes

"The dressing would have been so perfect and complete if you would just leave your hair open and fix a beautiful human hair"Mercy said and Aina gave her a terrible look

"You know she's a Muslim and she doesn't like going anywhere without covering her hair"Aina said

"Just respect her choice"Chidi says and Nene gave them a grateful smile

"Okay then, we should go and buy a veil"Mercy said smiling. They went over to pay for the goods they bought.

"Oh my God! See that shoe!"Mercy suddenly yell and their eyes went over to look at her direction

"That's beautiful!"Chidi said with thesame enthusiasm "let's go get it"she says and Mercy giggles. Aina phone suddenly start ringing and she excused herself going over to the other side to pick her call

"Let's go"Chidi said tugging Nene's hand

"I'm tired!" I will wait for you guys"Nene said and they nodded rushing away. Nene's phone started ringing and it was Yasmin, she smile before picking the call

"Babe!"Yasmin said and Nene giggles

"Mr"Nene replied

"You're so not romantic"Yasmin whined and Nene bursted out into laughter

"I can never be romantic to a pervert"Nene says laughing "where are you now?"

"I'm here looking at you"Yasmin replied and Nene frown. She can't believe it

"It's a lie! Okay tell me where I am presently"Nene replied

"You're in the mall"Yasmin said and Nene started looking around. Suddenly she mistakenly hits someone

"I'm sorry"she said turning around immediately to apologize. She pressed the call end button, her eyes went wide when she saw the the person. She had mistakenly hit

"Nene!"she heard the cool voice of her ex best friend and stood shocked

"Zully?!"she said more like asking a question

"So surprising seeing you here"Zully said chuckling. Nene eyes traveled down her body, Zully is still plump like the way she was when they were teenagers, but her skin colour had gotten lighter from brown to more of caramel and she looks more beautiful

"Same here"Nene replied trying to sound confident

"Never expected to see you in the mall, so I heard you're still jobless"Zully said chuckling in a taunting manner

"Yes"Nene said not sure of what to say

"Oh well I could offer you a position at me and Jamie's company, we actually need to recruit new cleaners"Zully said and Nene eyes got red, she tried controlling the tears that try to spill from her eyes "this is my card and you can call me at any time, what are old friends for"Zully added shoving the card at Nene's hand before sauntering away. Nene felt her lumps growing in her lungs, she entered her WhatsApp sending message to the group the girls created, informing them she's heading up first.

She rushed out of the mall and took a cab that took her home, as soon as she entered inside her room,she fell on the bed crying her eyes out. She suddenly felt the door opened and knew the three girls entered the apartment

"Nene! Nene!"she heard Aina's voice calling her

"Kaffy!"She heard Mercy's voice and the door to her room suddenly opened. They rushed to her side immediately sitting beside her

"Nene what's wrong?"Chidi asked sounding very worried

"Nene talk to us!"Aina said and Nene bursted into more cries

"What have I done to deserve this! What have I done!"Nene said crying out raw

"What happened Kaffy?"Mercy asked sounding worried too

"I saw Zully"Nene said sitting up, wiping her tears away

"Who's Zully?"Mercy asked

"Your ex best friend?"Aina asked and Nene nodded

"She's still with Jamie and she mocked me about not having a job, she was even offering me a job to work as a cleaner in her and Jamie's company"Nene says

"Wow!"was the first thing that came out of Chidi's mouth

"She and Jamie owns a company? What if she's just babbling"Mercy said

"Hey Nene!"Aina called and Nene look at her "Jamie is your past and will continue to be your past same as Zully, you shouldn't mind whatever they do. Life might not be going according to the way you plan it now but there's this saying, when there is life there's hope and with all these I know you're going to have a good life. God is just testing you now abi how do you call it, yes! Allah is just testing you"Aina said and Nene smiled

"Kaffy!"Mercy called "who cares if they own the whole world, Jamie is a big fool for letting you go and Zully will always be an awful friend. You have us and you don't have to think about them, your life is great anyways there are people out there who wish to be like the way you're now"Mercy said and Nene nodded trying to blink away the tears trying to spill out of her eyes.

"You heard what Mercy and Aina just said, babe you rock! You're beautiful and you got everything right. Like babe you remember you're a first class student right, I do admire that part about you. How brilliant you're, I admire the way you worship your own God too, I admire the way you do things and the way you dress. You might not know this but you're someone's role model and don't let any motherfucker make you feel otherwise!"Chidi said and Nene bursted into tears hugging them.

"Don't let anyone ruin tomorrow for you, who knows tomorrow might be your lucky day and before you know it, you have a job too"Mercy said and Nene nodded

"Okay, stand up and go have a hot bath. We will be having a girls movie day throughout. Y'all can select the movies you like and we gonna be having some drinks too"Aina said cheerfully. Nene stood up feeling grateful to her housemates before heading to the bathroom, she don't know what she would have done without having them in her life.


"You saw who?"Hakeem asked his eyes going wide. Jamie decided to ignore them, he wasn't ready to talk about Nene

"I saw her in the mall, she was wearing a jogger blah blah blah blah blah, she didn't even change at all and I told her I knew about her job hunting. As the generous person I am, I offered her to work in our company as a cleaner"Zully said bursting into laughter

"Oh my God! I haven't heard about Nene like in how many years, I thought she might be married or something"Hakeem said and Jamie stood up. He wanted to go and get himself a drink

"Where are you going to?"Zully asked

"To get drink of course"Jamie replied

"We were talking and you weren't saying anything"Zully said and Jamie squeeze his eyes shut taking in a deep breathe

"What do you want me to say huh?"Jamie asked "oh my God! That's so good for Nene, at least she tasted what she did to me years ago"Jamie said imitating a girlish voice "Zuleikha!"He calls Zully's full name "Nene is my past and will always remain so, I don't want to talk about anything relating to her"Jamie ended before he started walking away.

Zully smiled contentedly, she always needs an assurance that Jamie is hers and now that she knows Jamie had decided to keep Nene in the past like always made her heart beam with joy

"You look happy"Hakeem said and Zully chuckled

"Should I be sad?"Zully asked

"Of course not! Enjoy it while it lasts"Hakeem said standing up,Zully watch him walk away but she doesn't understand his statement. She shrugged it off not letting it to bother her much,anyways she already heard what she needed to hear and that's Jamie never going back to Nene again. What a beautiful day! She thought closing her eyes to feel the natural air around her.

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