Dancing In The Rain

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It had been a calming morning for the blonde bartender however that was until she got a call from an angry 1000yr old hybrid who was in need of therapy. This became a habit of the temperamental hybrid that whenever he needed someone to talk to he'd call her. So now Camille found herself in one of the local cafés listening to the infamous Klaus Mikaelson rant about his siblings while she writes down notes and from time to time injects her own opinions.

Klaus was just about to tell his blonde psychologist how he felt about Marcel and Rebekah seeing each other when he noticed her attention drawn to the quiet and light rain pouring down the streets of New Orleans. The hybrid chuckled at the childish face Camille had at gazing at the rain, her emerald eyes were sparkling as a huge grin spread across her angelic face. Suddenly Klaus found himself being dragged out the doors of the peaceful coffee shop.

"Camille what is the meaning of this?" Klaus asked as he glanced down at his wrist that was enclosed by her paler hand.

"Oh come on Klaus don't tell me you've never played in the rain before?" Cami snickered playfully. She always enjoyed dancing in the rain when she was a child, it was one of her most cherished memories with Sean.

The blonde bartender twirled around gracefully before splashing water at the grouchy Mikaelson brother. Klaus sent her a death glare before he kicked water back at the bartender. His actions caused a continuous splash fight between the pair.

Cami flicked her hair out of her usual pony tail and twirled around as the rain continued to splash against her skin, she laughed, she's hasn't been this peaceful in a while. Ever since her uncle died their was a hole left in her heart. With no more alive relatives she'd always seemed to feel lonely.

The human smiled softly at Klaus as she took in his appearance, his normal blonde curls were now stuck to his forehead while the rest of his clothing was completely drenched. Klaus took in the blonde bartender's appearance as well, her blonde hair was infested with natural curls, her face was flushed and he couldn't help but smile at the sound of her laughter. The hybrid decided it was his new favourite sound besides her angelic voice, her sweet laughter was music to his ears and it always made him feel content.

Soon enough Klaus was twirling Cami around as they swayed in each other's arms. Klaus picked her up and spun her around before carefully putting her back on the ground, the pair lost themselves into a shared world filled with peace and rain as they continued to dance to no music. Little did the pair know that a few eyes were watching them.

Rebekah, Elijah and Hayley couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Klaus being so gentle with the blonde human. They all knew of their affections for each other even though the pair seem to be oblivious to one another's feelings.

Rebekah smiled softly as she continued to watch her older brother dance in the rain with Cami, truth be told she hasn't seen this soft side of him since they were little. She was glad that Cami always seemed to be able to calm her brother's beast, besides her niece, Cami is one of the only true people Klaus seems to be content around.

Elijah couldn't believe in his eyes, never once in a thousand years has he seen his brother laughing, smiling and dancing around with a girl, especially a human. The original vampire noticed how often his little brother would rant to Camille, he also noticed the way the blonde therapist was never afraid of his brother even when he would tell her with a devious smile on his face about all of the people he has killed. Elijah secretly glanced over at the beautiful brunette next to him, his heart still ached at the fact the female hybrid was now married to the crescent pack alpha. He loves Hayley with all of his heart and perhaps in a century or so they would be destined to be together.

Hayley smiled at the pair dancing around in the rain, perhaps Klaus isn't as monstrous as he seems. Perhaps maybe Klaus is finally getting his redemption. However the hybrid dragged the other two vampires back to the compound incase they would ruin the beautiful scene between the kind therapist and the monstrous original hybrid. The trio now knew that Klaus truly has a soft spot for his therapist.

"Thanks for the dance Klaus I guess I kind of needed to let go. Although I apologise for getting you all wet," Cami apologised with a sheepish smile.

"No worries love I had a great time," Klaus chuckled while sending the therapist his famous "Klaus Mikaelson" smirk which earned a soccer punch in the shoulder.

The person who makes you feel peace and constantly brings a smile to your face is someone who truly means the most to you.

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