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“A little reflection will show us that every belief, even the simplest and most fundamental, goes beyond experience when regarded as a guide to our actions.”

~ William Kingdon Clifford ~

At what point did people stop thinking for themselves? Was it during school where we were conditioned to work like pack mules for an illusory life that is and always will be unattainable? Was it earlier still?

Did it commence at birth, with our parents instilling their wisdoms onto us? Massaging the brain like clay and moulding it the way they saw the world and our place in it?

Dare we question if it was earlier still? Are we programmed by our very DNA to become who we are today? Do our parents hopes and dreams transfer onto us during conception and our formation in the womb? Is the imagery they are subjected to passed directly onto us at a subconscious level? Do they realise that they are creating yet another robot to take their place?

Can we ever hope to be true individuals, thinking original thoughts for ourselves, when in essence everything in that singular concept is just an illusion? Are we all simply marionettes in this sick fantasy of chaos called life?

The government can be likened to a big bully. They have overpowered the weak people and taken their lunch money in the form of never ending taxes for illusory purposes – and we let them.

George Orwell had summed up the situation accurately – “All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others.”

At what point in history did we hand over all our rights to these bullies? When did the scales irrevocably flip in their favour? Why did we all hand over our birth rights to an imaginary leader and now pay them for the privilege? Why did our ancestors feel the need to betray us so inconceivably?

How do we reclaim our birth right? How do we take back what is rightfully ours?

Who can walk to a piece of land and commence building a family home without being indebted? Why can’t we?

Who dictates what we can and/or cannot do?

Are we not human? Are we lesser than the animals that inhabit this land? Why can’t we roam freely, not answering to anyone of when we were born, who our parents are, what we had for dinner last February?

Why are we slaves? What can we do to be free once more?

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