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langa kept his monotoned stare as he turned towards the girlish voice.

"how are you today? i missed you~"

uninterested, langa turned around and continued walking to his classroom. reki was still waiting for him to get back from the toilet.

normally they would've gone together but the teacher didn't allow it this time.

"langa-kun~ don't ignore me~"

this girl, a second year that langa couldn't seem to remember the name of, has been following him around all week long. langa is obviously tired of this strange behavior.
besides it's obvious that she likes him, yet langa is not at all fond of her.

"aw~ why are you so mean? ne langa~"

"my name is hasegawa, please don't call me by my first name"

only reki is allowed to call him that in school. or anywhere. but only because he's earned it.

"eh? you don't like your first name?"

langa shook his head. "i only like it when reki says it"

"why did you take so long langa?"

langa looked at reki funnily.

"what? did you count the seconds before i came back?", he teased.

reki rolled his eyes. "no! you idiot, the teacher said your presentation goes next so she kept asking me what the time was"

langa pouted and shook his head lightly.
"i'm next?..."

fun fact, langa hates to speak in public. especially in school grounds.

reki nodded, he gave him a sympathetic smile.

fun fact #2, reki can do anything even with a judging public in front of him.

"are you nervous?"

langa took a deep breath and let his head fall on his desk. reki smiled softly.

"it's okay langa, i'm sure you'll do just fine!"

langa turned his head a little to stare at reki.

"and i'll be here watching! so if anything bad happens, i will step in!"

langa let out a shaky breath. "i know how you can help me"

reki seemed curious by this statement.

"hold my hand?"

reki's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a light pink. langa tried to hide his smile.

"i-uh langa were in school...", reki mumbled covering his face with his hands.

langa blinked rapidly and pouted. "please?"

at this reki sighed and gave up on trying to cover his red face. "...fine"


"reki your hand is sweaty"

reki let out a frustrated groan. "you asked for it", he huffed out in annoyance.

langa grinned and squeezed his hand. "it's cute that you're nervous...", he intertwined their fingers with a smile. "somehow, i feel better now"

reki was 100% flustered & langa 100% loved it.

"...langa you keep saying embarrassing things"

langa chuckled quietly. "do you not like it?~"

reki's eyes widened and he looked away. he mumbled under his breath. "shut up"

"hasegawa-kun it's your turn~", a girl interrupted their chatting.

reki frowned as he watched how she fluttered her eyelashes at langa's direction, only to be completely ignored.
reki smirked.

langa sighed and got up, his hand grabbing reki's firmly. he gave one last squeeze before letting go.
reki hid his disappointment with a smile.

"good luck langa"

langa stopped and blushed. he smiled big before turning around completely.

both of their hearts were pounding loudly.


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