Chapter 4

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I woke up with a bad headache, I got up and took some medicine, Emma went home after we left the bar

I went back to my room and put on sweatpants and a t shirt and sat down on the bed just looking at the wall for a moment, and shook my head trying to remember what happened last night

I got up and went to the living room, I sat down of the couch until I heard the door bell, I got up and walked over to the door I saw one of my friends, Aaron he's been my best friend since we were in high school

"Hey dude, how are you?"He asked, I shrugged

"Could be better"I replied, he came inside and sat down on the couch, he seemed to notice something on my neck

"HOLY SHIT!"he yelled which made me flinch

"What? What?"I asked, he stared at me wide eyed

"Is that's a.....HICKY?!"he screamed, I looked at him confused

"How did you not notice that?"he asked, I raised a brow at him while he rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm leading me to the bath room

He turned on the light, and I looked myself on the mirror, my jaw dropped and my eyes widen

'Holy fucking shit, how the hell did I not notice this'

I softly touched my neck, I started to remember what happens last night, then it all.....clicked


While, Me and Emma were dancing, I noticed that she was pretty drunk, I told her to sit down before she hurt herself but she refused

Then while we were dancing she kissed my cheek, and started going down to my neck, I tried to pull her away but she wouldn't budge, she started to suck on my neck harshly, which made me let out a groan

She tried to lead me to a room, but I refused and made her sit down, she was all over me, she tried to kiss my lips but I pulled back from her, I didn't wanna take advantage of her and plus she's drunk, I don't even think she'll remember what happen


Aaron snapped his finger in front of my face

"Hello earth to Y/N?"he said I snapped out of my thoughts

"Holy shit"I whispered, he looked at me confused

"No-no-no"I said as I walked out the bathroom, he followed me out "what wrong?"he asked a little worried

"Emma"is all I said, he looked really confused but then he his face turned into a shocked face

"EMMA?! AS IN EMMA WATSON YOUR EX?!"he asked as nodded"she did that to you?"he asked again and I nodded

"So you guys back together?"he said, I shook my head

"No."I said, he looked really confused

"But-"before he could continue I cut him off

"Look she was drunk, I bet she doesn't ever remember what happened"I said as he nodded slowly

Then, we heard the doorbell ring, me and Aaron, went over to the door to check who it was and it was Emma.

"Oh shit what are we Gonna do about you neck?!"he whisper yelled at me, I shrugged and hesitantly opened the door revealing a smiling Emma

"Hey Y/N"she said then her smiled dropped as soon as she saw me neck "what happened to your neck"she said as she touched it softly

Me and Aaron shared and glance

'Well here goes nothing'

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