1: The Surprise Prefect

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     No year had ever made Anne Shirley-Cuthbert so excited to go back to school. Sure, of course going to a school for witches and wizards was beyond anything she had ever expected, but this year was special. She had been waiting her whole life, okay not actually, for the letter that arrived late that summer.

     Her prefect letter! Enclosed was the Gryffindor prefect pin along with a letter from Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall expressing how proud of her they were. She should be expected to wear the pin with pride and serve justice to her house.

     Anne had been curious the whole summer about who was joining in as the male prefect for the Gryffindor house. She could not think of one boy in her class that matched her standards, though to be fair, she had been expecting a mini Percy Weasley. And the chances of that happening was little to none.

     Percy Weasley is one of her best friends. Her long, red hair stood out to him when she sat upon the stool of the Sorting Hat in her first year. Immediately after being sorted into Gryffindor, she sat right next to him, finding comfort in his red hair.

     She had been introduced to his younger brothers, Fred and George, shortly after, but she never took a strong liking to them. It was not that they were mean or ignored her, but they were not Percy. They were far from Percy, and Anne could not wrap her head around the fact that they were brothers. The three of them were so different.

     Of course, the next year at the first feast, there was another redhead that made his way to the Sorting Hat. Anne knew she was not related to him, so he had to be a Weasley. And he was! Ron Weasley was the last Weasley boy and he seemed to be more like Fred and George than Percy. Anne liked Ron, he was a good balance of fun, though his attention never seemed to be on her. He was constantly talking about his best friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Oh, Anne absolutely adored Hermione and her smart mind. Hermione and Anne never talked much, but whenever the Granger girl was alone, Anne found her way over to her. They often did homework together when the boys were away.

     The last Weasley, don't think Anne forgot about her, because she didn't. Like Ron, Anne knew that Ginny was a Weasley the second she spotted the bright red hair. Hers was different than the rest of the boys... It was cut in a short bob, standing out amongst the sea of blonde and brown hair. Anne happened to catch Ginny's eyes as she ran down from the Sorting Hat and that was the start of a lovely, causal, friendship.

     Oh, Anne's mind strayed very far from the point she was trying to make. The point was that Anne looked up to Percy's leader skills, even though Anne also enjoyed Oliver Wood's Quidditch leadership and those two led very different ways. But, as soon as Anne had mentioned to Percy that she was interested in becoming a prefect and hopefully later the Head Girl of her year, Percy started training her right away. She would spend all her extra time with him and he even leant her his notes that he took during prefect and Head Boy meetings. Anne doubted that he was allowed to do that. Nonetheless, she very much appreciated it. She just appreciated Percy Weasley.

     Anne Shirley-Cuthbert came from a long line of muggle borns, or at least, she thinks so. She actually does not know who her true parents are. She has been passed around foster care for almost her entire life and only a couple years ago was she brought to her final home, in the care of Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. The wonderful siblings took care of her like she was their own, and after a couple weeks, she truly felt like they were her parents.

     Marilla was the first to notice Anne's magical abilities when she was helping in the kitchen one day. She had had her back turned, mixing batter to make a cake, when the pitcher of milk next to her suddenly levitated for no more than a second. After that, it crashed to the floor. Marilla could not believe her eyes when she turned around and Anne was standing by the counter, her eyes filled with horror.

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