11. Back to school

Start from the beginning

"Is everything okay, Harry?" said Hermione clearly concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just that a few days ago, back at Sirius... I kinda might have caught Fred and Bee on top of each other..."

"What do you mean on top of each other?" Said Ron clearly confused. 

"Blimey Ron they were doing it" said Hermione. 

"No, no! But I think they would have had I not walked in on them"

"So that means they are together, right?"

"Again no." Continued Harry. "They said they were figuring things out, whatever that means."

Back to the first compartment, Fred and Bee (still in the same position) were having a nice little conversation about their plans of opening the joke shop (and the café) when one Adrian Pucey stopped at the door.

"Careful there Black, you'll crush Weasley" he spat at them.

"Fuck off Pucey" she said standing up.

George and Lee stirred awake at the sound of them, waking up completely as soon as they saw who was at the door. 

"Talking about fucking, wanna come back to my compartment? I bet that pretty ass of yours looks even better without the skirt."

"If I were to comeback to your compartment, you wouldn't make it out alive out of there."

"Leave her alone, Adrian." said George in a stern voice. 

"Aw, didn't know you came with minions. What are they going to do? Defend you?"

"I can defend myself, besides, I wouldn't want to touch you. Ever. You are a disgusting piece of shit Adrian. Go buy a forest with daddy's money and get lost in it." she spat at him.

This was not normal coming from her, and the twins and Lee were worried about what was going to happen next. Pucey got a hold of her wrist, and the three of them stood up.

"Come one, I wanna see if you can use your mouth for something else rather than talking shit." he said smirking and pulling her. 

"Adrian stop, you are hurting me you asshole!"she said feeling her wrist ache as he tightened his grip. 

George and Lee got behind her, Fred trying to free her from Pucey's grip. He pulled her into him and groped her ass. Bee couldn't move, trying to process what the actual fuck had just happened. But Fred fist had already made contact with Adrian's face. A few people had stepped out of their compartments to see what was going on, including the golden trio and Ginny. 

Bee was siting in the corner of the compartment very much scared as she watched everything unfold. Adrian was punching back, and she could see blood but not identify who was it from. Lee was trying to calm her down. And Ginny, Ron and George were trying to separate the both of them. Fred's knuckles were bloodied, and his eyebrow was bleeding. Pucey was still on the floor, in a pretty bad condition. Bee stood up, still crying and shaking. Fred looked at her, still not knowing what would she do. Without saying a word to anyone, she kicked Adrian's nose, and as she was about to leave, he stood up a little and reached for her hair, pulling her down, as she twisted her ankle. Her cheek made contact with the floor, knowing there would be a bruise in there.

She stood up again, quietly. She didn't look anyone in the eye as she left for what they assumed was the toilets. Everyone got back to their compartments, silently. Fred's chest was going up and down with rage, as he sat down again. Ginny was the first down to talk.

"You should go get your eyebrow checked by Poppy when we arrive. Are you okay?" 

Fred softened a little at his little sister's words, but still very much worried about the girl who just disappeared. 

"I'm more worried about Bee. He hurt her, bad. And now she's gone. What if she is having a panic attack?" he rambled.

"She'll be fine, mate. Something very scary happened to her. She might just need space."

As the trio and Ginny went back to their compartments, Bee still hadn't shown up. It had been an hour, and Fred felt like he was going to explode. And just as he thought she wasn't coming back, Bee walked through the door under the very concerned eyes from the twins and Lee. She looked numb. She had no expression in her face and she just sat down pulling her knees up to her chest, looking out the window.

The boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do or say. George knew he was going to write to Molly and Sirius the minute they got to their dorms. Lee just wanted to hug his best friend, and tell her that everything was going to be okay. It wasn't until Fred put his hand on her back that she gave some sort of reaction. She looked at him and just started sobbing, finally breaking. Fred rubbed her back as she put her feet back on the flor and covered her face with her hands, Fred noticing the blood in her hand and sleeves. She had scratched herself again. 

"That's okay, love" Fred said softly, "Let it all out, we are here for you." 


The rest of the ride was filled with her sobs, until they got to the carriages. Once they got to the castle and before entering the Great Hall for dinner, McGonagall stopped both of them. 

"Weasley, Black, may I have a word with you both?"

They nodded and followed her. 

"We are aware of what happened today in the train ride to Hogwarts. First off, I'd like to say I'm so very sorry about what happened, Miss Black. I don't condone this kind of behaviour in this school. However, what happened was outside school grounds and with a student from another house, therefore I cannot punish Mr. Pucey. That is Professor Snape's job. However, you are my students and what you did was not okay aswell. Miss Black you broke Mr. Pucey's nose, and Mr. Weasley, you gave him several wounds and bruises. I'm very sorry but I have to give you two detention, a week's worth. Professor Dumbledore will be informed about what happened. And now, you should both go get checked by Madame Pomfrey. That eyebrow looks rather nasty, Mr. Weasley."

Fred and Bee got up and left for the wing silently. They knew it was best not to fight Professor McGonagall. Bee was too tired to do so, anyways. Fred stopped, and grabbed her by the hand softly. She turned around to look at her. 

"Hey," he said putting his hand on her cheek "are you okay?"

She shook her head. 

"Come one" she said almost in a whisper. "I'm going to clean up your eyebrow. It's my fault it's bleeding."

Fred didn't have time to answer as she had pulled him to her dorm. She sat him down in her bed and looked for what she needed in her trunk. 

"Now this might sting a little." she smiled a little. Fred flinched at the touch of the cotton. "I'm sorry you got detention because of me Freddie, really."

"Hey love," he held her hands in his, "It's not your fault. It's Pucey's. He shouldn't have touched you like that. I would have killed the foul git if Ginny and Ron hadn't stopped me."

"Thank you, really."

"Now, let me have a look at your arm. Did you scratch yourself again?"

She nodded.

"It's okay, don't feel guilty. You couldn't help it. I'm going to clean it up, then you can change. Just come to me next time okay? Maybe I can help you." he smiled as he cleaned her arm up, bandaged it as he did at the Burrow. 


"Yes, love?"

"Do you mind staying the night?"

"Of course not darling, anything for you." 

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