The Girl besides River

Start from the beginning

Y/n couldn't keep running, despite being a demon, along with some major injuries that can't heal if she kept moving. The spider demon following them and not stopping. As her pace got slower and slower, the spider demon had almost caught her. If it weren't for the strange demon slayer that had come.

" Dimensional breathing style 5: Disappearance" They mumble softly as they stabbed the spider demon in the neck making their body disintegrate and fade like a ghost. 

Giyu who looked for Y/n, with Tanjiro and Nezuko following, found the strange Slayer and his sister.  His eyes widened as the slayer raised their sword to slay his sister. Even if she was a demon, Y/n was still his previous sister. He couldn't afford another sister. 

" Dimensional breathing style 1: World Change" The slayer breathed out and stabbed a circle around the raven haired female. 

The circle around her started to glow and small bits of her lower half started to fade. Y/n gasped and tried to escape the circle but no access was found. Giyu ran to her but was forced down by the strange slayer. The ravenette looked at her brother with her beautiful pleading light blue eyes. 

"Y/n!" Giyu tried to reach out to her. 

"Brother!!" Y/n cried before her body fully faded into the circle leaving no trace of Y/n's existences here. 

"No!" Giyu cried out, "What have you done?!" 

"..." The slayer above him stayed quiet before they spoke up, "I wanted to give her a new life in a new world. And to test out my breathing" 

"I will never forgive you!" The dark blue eyed pillar glared angrily at the slayer. 

"I don't expect you to forgive me, nor do I feel sorry for you" They stated. 

[==Y/n's Pov==] 

The last thing I could remember before everything went black was the strange slayer, my brother...and the circle the slayer made around me. I thought I had died but I didn't. All I could feel now was solid ground and wavy grass along with small flowers. I could also somewhat hear the small sounds of water. I didn't bother to open my eyes, I needed to rest and let my wounds heal... 

' Have a good life here, Tomioka-Chan ' I heard a voice say. 

Who was that? What do they mean by that? Did I actually die and get reincarnated?! But that wouldn't make sense... then I would've been in the arms of a doctor of something... I'm too tired to think... 

[==Jonathan's Pov==] 

"Danny come back here!" I called out to my pet dog, Danny. He had ran from my arms to the forest. 

I followed him to get him back to the manor and as I did that, I was shocked to see him licking the face of a girl besides a patch of grass with some flowers besides a river. She had beautiful black hair, delicate pale skin, and her nails were very sharp, like a cat. She had major injuries on her but they healed quickly in a matter of seconds! How does that work? 

" Come on Danny. Let's bring her back to the manor-" I said before a small screech was heard. 

I looked down to see the girl had open her eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue. She jolted up and looked at me as if I was gonna attack her. Danny stood in front of me and stares at her before he jumps on her licking her face. 

"Danny! Get off of her" I said and took him off of the girl, "I'm sorry for that, Miss" 

The girl's face seemed to relax a bit when she saw I wasn't a threat. She fidgeted with her fingers and looked away anxiously, she looked so lost, confused, and that she was looking for someone. A gentleman shouldn't leave a poor lady alone confused and lost! 

"U-um, would you like to come with me and danny to my manor? It's not far and maybe I, or my father could help you" I asked holding out my hand.

She looked at me with her light blue eyes for a bit before nodding her and taking my hand. I helped her up and started walking with her. Oh I should ask her for her name. 

"If it's alright, may I ask your name, miss?" I looked at her. 

She was silent for a bit, "My name is Y/n Tomioka... I'm... not from here and don't know how I... got here" Oh my lord, her voice is so gentle and very scared. 

"It's nice to meet you Miss Y/n. Do not fear, I assure you I mean no harm, nor my pet danny and my father" I smiled at her. 

She nodded before looking forward. We continued walking and reached the manor. I brought her to my room and had her sit down. With that, she carefully laid down and went into a peaceful rest. I sighed and left the room for her to rest. This sure will be quite bizarre. I hope father doesn't get too angry... 

[==3rd Pov==] 

After Jonathan told his father about Y/n, George looked at him with shock and anger. Jonathan looked down shamefully when he saw the anger in his father's eyes. The young boy got ready for a lecture. 

"You brought a random girl into the manor?!" He yelled making the mansion tremble slightly. He gave Jonathan a big scolding lecture before he left to Jonathan's room where the girl was. 

George slammed the door open making Y/n yelp in fear and cover her head. Y/n carefully looked at him trembling. His eyes soften when he gazed at those light blue orbs filled with fear and innocence.  The blue haired man walked up to Y/n and pulled a chair aside to sit on. In a kind way, he starts to ask you some things. 

"Hello miss, I didn't mean to scare you. May I ask what is your name and why you're here?" He asks. 

Y/n observe him before resting her hands down, "My name is Y/n Tomioka. I'm not sure how or why I am here... I...I apologize" she looked away causing George to nod and give a "thank you" before exiting the room. 

Jonathan had been waiting outside and saw his father come out. His father looked at him. 

"She can stay" George says. 

"What?" Jonathan looked at him with shock. 

"The young girl you found may stay as long as she likes. As long as she doesn't cause any major troubles, I'd like you to accompany Y/n around the manor and teach her things. Even if she does look knowledgeable, she doesn't seem to know the place. Her clothing is foreign and she must be Japanese" George said to his son. 

Jonathan nodded with a smile.

"Oh and once that's done, Go find Maiden Kayla as she and other sets up her room" George added. 

"Of course father" Jonathan bowed and went in his room. 

Y/n looked back at the door and relaxed. She thought it was another stranger. Jonathan smiles at her making Y/n smile back showing her small fangs. Jonathan's eyes widen a bit at the shown fangs. Not only did she have claw like nails, she even had fangs like a vampire. Jonathan just brushed it off and started to talk with her about his life and family as well as other stuff. 

Jonathan felt a new bond of friendship shall be made with him and Y/n, but it wouldn't last forever..

{-----------Chapter End-----------} 

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