Shane comments, "Take a break from playing. Let's eat first."

"I almost win. I'm going to get the prize money."

Few minutes later, Chad won the battle game. He earned 100 yuans.

He smiles widely when he hugs Shane.

"Sorry..." says Shane.

"Why are you apologizing for?"

"Because of me, your father..."

Chad kisses his lips.

He smiles when he says, "We could live without my pocket money. I only need you."

They kiss for a while before Shane has to draw a line between them. Eat first. The foods are getting colder. They won't be delicious when they are lukewarm.

After Chad is stuffed full, they go for a walk.

Shane is still selecting few prospect tenants. He is more careful this time. They might need money. Chad's safety is top in his list.

Jeff and him have fixed other bedrooms in their spare times. Five empty rooms are available right now.

Construction workers are willing to rent the rooms. Shane isn't too willing. Most of them are rough characters. He is worried for Chad when he isn't home to protect him.

Shane is holding hands with Chad when they take a stroll in nearby park.

He says, "Chad, things would be better in the future. I promise won't let you down."

"I know. My boyfriend is the best."

They are smiling to each others, unaware someone is spying them using a pairs of binoculars.

An old man smiles while lowering down his binoculars. He makes a gesture and his men leave the park with him.


Few days later, Shane is walking home from work as usual. He meets the elderly man at the same spot.

The old man looks troubled.

Shane stops walking.

He asks, "Anything wrong, Sir?"

"My son is urging me to sell my home. He said the land tax is too much to handle."

Shane sits next to him. He doesn't know why he feels familiar with this old man. As if he had seen him somewhere before.

He says, "It's better to have a good talk with him. Maybe he would change his mind."

"The land tax is just too heavy on us. We barely could afford it."

"Hmm... How vast is your land, Sir? You are an elderly guy. If you pleaded the government for tax cut..."

"This whole park is mine."

Shane is speechless. He is too shocked to say anything. This park might be more than 6,000 meters. He doesn't dare to imagine the land tax.

He could understand why his son want to sell this land to cut losses.

Shane could only says, "This park is private property? Sorry, I didn't know..."

Not just him.

There are many other trespassers beside him.

Families take a stroll every evening here. Babysitters take babies for sunbathing in the morning. This park is always filled with people.

The old man says,"My wife wanted people to enjoy our beautiful park. So she won't feel lonely. This land is too huge to live for our small family."

Shane pinches his chin. He likes this park a lot. Hate to see it converted into an apartment or business building.

Chad and him used to take a stroll here every evening. Free refreshment. He knows many families take their children to play in this park too.

Shane looks at the sun position. It's almost dark. Chad would be worried if he's late.

He rises back to his feet again.

Shane says, "Sir, I got an idea to keep your home and this park. You won't need to pay for the land tax too. Let me ask a friend first. See if he could help us."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. I still don't know if it would work or not. Could I get your phone number? I'll contact you later."


They change phone numbers.

Shane rushes home because he is already an hour late than usual.

Chad hugs him the minute he got home.

"Don't make me worried again..."

"Sorry. Something came up. I'll call you if I got delayed again."

Chad nods his head. He kisses his boyfriend and then leads him to their dining room.

He says, "Eat first. The foods are getting colder."

Chad isn't a good cook. Shane doesn't mind about the weird taste. It's still edible. Chad had done his best.

Shane calls Toda after taking a bath. He explains the situation. He tells him about his ideas and asks if they are feasible.

Toda nods his head.

He says, "I' ll ask my lawyer if it could be done. Give me two days to make the proposal."

Shane ends the phone call after saying his gratitude. Toda is a very capable man. He could solve this problem.
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