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Y/n's POV
"Shit shit shit shit shit!" I mumble as I try to open the door
"Ugh come onnn"
I'm really tired by now and I've been trying to stay calm but I'm starting to worry

Caleb's POV
"Mike Mike!"
"Caleb! Oh god are you okay!?"
"W-W-wait y/n!"
"What? Where, where is she Caleb!?!"
"I-I don't know I heard her scream something but I didn't hear her after that I-I don't know w-where she is!"
"Okay you stay here I'm going to find her Caleb! Hey guys get him on the boat NOW"
"Wait what no I coming with you she's my girlfriend!"
"Ugh okay kid but we gotta hurry the rigs meant to blow up in 5 we gotta get in and out do you hear me! In and out! And and if we can't find her then we'll have to go without her no buts or ors!"
"Yes Mike!"
"Okay let's go"

Y/n's POV
Black spots started to form In front of my eyes

"Caleb, Caleb, please, please help me"
It was getting really hard for me to see and speak loud enough for anyone to actually hear from outside the last thing I feel is a gust of strong hot wind blowing into me and then I blackout.

Caleb's POV
"Caleb get down!"
Suddenly the right side of the rig blows into flames and I start to remember

"OH NO OH SHIT SHIT Mike Mike y/n was in the room the control room that that's there that's no no, why why why!"
"WHAT? WE NEED TO GO NOW!"(mike didn't hear caleb!)
"No no y/n to please please!"i wispher as I'm being dragged away by Mike

Y/n's POV
I open my eyes and I'm layer on the floor surrounded by fire I see the back of someone's head walking past the window quite far away

"Please please help!"

Then everything goes black...

(A/N: aghhh guys will you make it? Please leave me a vote if you can I'm sorry I've been a little slow with this but I've had school and all that shit so yeah but I would love to hear your thoughts on it and I love reading comments so comment whatever you want insult my bad writing skills if you want I just wanna sorta Engage with yall a little 🤠 (any way here!)

(A/N: aghhh guys will you make it? Please leave me a vote if you can I'm sorry I've been a little slow with this but I've had school and all that shit so yeah but I would love to hear your thoughts on it and I love reading comments so comment what...

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Ugh so cuteeeee^^^

Deepwater Horizon          Caleb Holloway x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora