"Is jack louis biological son?" One asked from behind everyone

"No but you would think he was to how sweet, kind,caring and how much he treats him like his own" I said

"Where is Jack's real dad ?" They asked again

"Well his real dad is in prison" I said then some people began to leave, Jack cryed from the top of his lungs from inside the house . I rushed inside to see his face fully red and him crying, I picked him up and rocked him "sh jack please come on go back to sleep" I said.

I tried for a while before I placed him back in the bouncer, I checked everything he could of needed like his nappy, giving him his dummy and everything but nothing worked then my back slid down the wall as I began to sob rolling my knees up to my chest and my head into my knees .

I heared the door open not to long later "babe what's wrong ?" Louis asked as he rushed over to where I was on the wall and Jack still screaming

" he won't calm down I've tried everything he could possibly want or need please I cant deal with him screaming i leave for two seconds and hes screaming when I return, louis just make him stop" I said the tears still falling as louis got up and picked Jack up cradling him .

He managed to get him to fall back to sleep slowly placing him in his bouncer "babe it wasnt your fault dont beat your self up about it " Lou said "come on let's go cuddle "

I got up and we went to the sofa and I sat right next to Louis cuddling into his side as his ran his fingers through my curls and wiped away my tears .

"I love you hazza" lou said as he wiped my eyes with his thumb

"I love you too Lou" I said

"Harry when he wouldn't calm down that wasnt you fault" niall said from the other sofa

" yeah it wasnt" zayn and liam said

"Would anyone like anything from the kitchen?" Zayn asked as he got up and we all shook our heads.

There was a knock at the door which was pretty loud waking back up from his nap so louis attended him while I opened the door "hello?" I said

"Hi is zayn in ?"the girl at the door asked

"Um yeah niall get zayn for me please" I said and then zayn came over and began to talk with her until he aloud her inside

"Um guys this is gigi my girlfriend" zayn said proudly" gigi this is louis and harry aka Larry, niall and liam aka niam and jack Larry's son"

"Its nice to meet you all" a smile on her face "he cant stop talking about you all oh zayn the reasion I pop round is to see once tour home of you want to go for a dinner with my mam and dad " once he agreed he told her to sit down and she did .

Jack began crying so I went over to him and picked him "lou could you make him a bottle while I go change him ?"

"Yeah sure "louis said as he was up was into was kitchen .

I went and changed Jack's nappy, changing his clothes. I headed back downstairs to see Louis and the other boys laughing with gigi so I walked back upstairs placing jack in his cot next to our bed and I sat with my laptop on my knee and worked until he began screaming at the top of his lungs so I grabbed him cradling him and I headed downstairs grabbed his bottle of the table and walked back upstairs before louis could stop me .

He followed me upstairs "haz what's wrong?" He said as I sat down on the bed and fed jack

"Nothimg at all I'm perfectly fine" I said but I wasnt I was upset he payed more attention to gigi than his own boyfriend.

"Harry I'm not stupid what's wrong" he said

"You really want to know it's the fact since zayn introduced gigi your more bothered in her" I said but this time I didnt stay seated  instead I got up and but the empty bottle on the bed side table so I could get a nappy, his cuddly giraffe my mam had got.

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