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It was night and just as the clock hit 10 PM, Shinju Kazuki, a UAD Ship design specialist, finished making the Union. After drinking some water, he went to bed. With his designs saved in his trusty Computer, he dozed off to sleep......

Welp. That is until something bad happened. (Hehehehehe)

A bolt of lightning suddenly hit the Desktop and it awoke Shinju. He was shocked to see his Desktop, which has all his designs that he put his time and effort too, being electrocuted by lightning. He was waiting for the boom that was gonna happen. So he looked away, hoping this will be over soon....but it never happened. He was confused. He looked back at the Desktop, which was struck by lightning a while ago, turned on and releasing a weird blue aura.

He decided to check all the designs that he saved in a folder and it was all there. From the smallest of Destroyers to the Massive of all Battleships, everything was there except for one design: The Union.

He opened the window of UAD and he sees the just finished Mega-battleship on the screen, ready to be saved. He sighed in relief. But as he was gonna save the ship to his folders, he sees another button saying, "Save and Fuse". That confused him for a bit but, out of curiosity, he decided to click it.




Nothing happened......

So he sighed of relief thinking that there would be something else after the click. So he turned off the monitor and the CPU and just about he was going stood up, he suddenly felt being pulled. And he was sucked into some kind of portal. He passed out inside of it.

*An hour after he passed out*

*Somewhere in the Void*

*Shinju POV*

I wake up in a dark but familiar void.....It felt like I was dead yet still alive. After a few minutes hovering in the void, a slightly invisible floor appeared. I was glad I was still feeling my legs.

I walked around the void and suddenly saw......water. An ocean to be exact. And I heard a horn of a ship and it had a deep pitch to it. And a small motorboat that looked so familiar to me approached me and docked near the edge of the invisible floor. And a man with some kind of military outfit came out of the boat. I was shocked.

Shinju: Wh-Who are you?!

???: Ah Shinju.....I see that you finally arrived.

Shinju: How do you know my name? And what do you want from me?

???: Well let me just say that you created me.

Shinju: What? Created you...? I don't get it.

???: Well then, let me show you something. Come on aboard.

I reluctantly followed this "stranger" on his boat and left the land. I am mesmerized after the dark and empty space is replaced with a beautiful night sky.

Shinju: did this dark space turned into a night sky?
Stranger: Well the void is full of indescribable phenomenons.

Shinju: Where are you taking me anyway?

Stranger: To something familiar to you.

Then I heard the same honk but it felt like it was closer to me.

Stranger: Now, if you look to the starboard side you can see something familiar in a distance.

I looked to the side and saw a silhouette of a ship that looks like the Yamato. But then after some time observing it for a while I realized.

Me: That hull....... it can't be......the gun that....what I think it is?

what I think it is?

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Stranger: Yup. It's the Saiken: The first Super Battleship plan you made 2 years ago. You recognized my ship of course. Besides you planned and built me after all.

Me: Wait....your ship? Built you? H-hold on....are you telling me that you are a Kansen?

Saiken: You guessed it! I am your creation! Or a project at least.

Me: How? How did you get a conscience? I didn't know how to make one, let alone trying in the game itself.

Saiken: Don't know. I was suddenly brought to life in this "void". And suddenly I remembered you, my creator, and other stuff other than my role, ship, and personality.

Me: Well that's odd. Maybe something happened when that weird lightning struck my PC and suddenly added some weird voodoo programs in the game. BTW, when were you awaken and how are you feeling?

Saiken: Well, I was awoken just now. And I am feeling......alive. Well, that's not new to you of course. But I am trying to adjust to this new feeling.

Me: Good for you! Well, what now? I thought I was going to be fused with a ship or more specifically the Union.

Saiken: Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm going to teleport so hold on ok?

Me: Wait, Wha--AAAA----!!!

*One Teleport scene later*

Saiken: Ahhhh. Teleportation. The fastest way to travel the void.

Me: And the fastest way to shock people. And when did you learned to teleport?!

Saiken: Um.... Special Skill?

Me: Fair enough.

Saiken: We are here.

Me: A Teleportation panel?

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Me: A Teleportation panel?

Saiken: No, it's not just a simple Teleportation panel. It's a Ship Fusion panel.

Me: Interesting. But how does it work?

Saiken: Step inside it.

Then some sort of holographic screens circle around me. And one has the image of an empty UAD port.

Me: Now what?

Saiken: Look for the Abilities and Skills screen. Then add anything you like. Any ability and skill that can buff or nerf you.

Me: Any ability and skill huh? Okay I got some.

*To be continued*

(Hello guys! It's me Shinju. First of all, I'm sorry for not doing things here in Wattpad. I was sick and IT WAS ASTHMA. And I also got busy because of practicing riding a motorcycle. Sorry for everything. I hope you understand.)

Creator Of The UCN (UAD x Azur Lane) [Being Refined]Where stories live. Discover now