Chapter 7

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Sorry it has been so long, I thought I would have more time but everyday my parents seem to want to do something

Hope you guess enjoy it!


The two of them were in the Hospital Wing. It was after the second day of potions with their permanent partners of the year. It was also the day that Hogwarts had their biggest potions' explosion ever. And that was saying a lot considering all the students that had passed the halls...

"How could you put in another foot of mandrake!" Hermione yelled.

"Me, what about you? You're the one that put in three more slugs then it said."

"Well I didn't know that you had already put in any slugs. I was chopping the sprouts since you refused to cut them because they smelled!"

"And whose fault is that!"

"I believe it is nature's fault, Mr. Draco that the Rildo Sprouts do indeed smell worse than dung."

"Professor!" Hermione straightened up in her hospital bed.

"Teacher's pet." Draco coughed from his bed.

Hermione turned to glare at him.

"You two are alright?"

Draco nodded.

"Yes sir." Hermione answered.

"Excellent, then you two can start your two months of detention tonight!" The professor said rather jovially.

"What!" Two voices yelled simultaneously.

-Simply Irresistible Ch. 18


Draco woke up that night merely two hours after getting back to the dorm, Hermione Granger's screams ringing and echoing in his head despite waking up from his dream. Sweat drenched his fine blonde hair, causing it to be mussed as he rested his head in his hands, clutching his hair as the nightmares still hadn't let up. No matter how hard he tried. Hermione Granger's screams reverberated through his dreams as it once had through his childhood home.

"Draaco?" Blaise asked, waking up with a yawn.

Draco gulped as he looked up at his best mate, then around him, thankful that the three other blokes in their room were fast asleep.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm. I'm just going to go down to the Common Room for a bit." He said getting up and out of bed. He quickly grabbed a random shirt, not caring before also grabbing his robes and wand.

"Okay. Niighttt." Blaise said mid yawn before going right back to sleep.


Staring blanking into the fire, Draco tried to find something to distract himself from his nightmares. But as he closed his eyes, he could hear the screams like as if they were before him once again.

After knowing Granger for nearly seven years and quite hating her not only for her blood status, but also hating and envying her intelligence, hearing her scream so utterly helpless as his own aunt tortured her, basically violating her magic, and in essence, Granger herself. He had never felt so wrong. He had felt dirty, hearing her screams echo off the old stone walls of his childhood home. It was just wrong. This wasn't the Granger he knew. Who faced dementors, deatheaters, giants.

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