"I don't know where to go. I got no home right now. I better stay here tonight."

Jeff has planned to live in the construction site.

Shane asks, "Are you sure? There is no electricity and water here."

"I have no choice."


Shane is going to leave when he suddenly thinks of a solution.

He asks, "Do you want to rent a room in my house? I'll give you fifty percent discount. If you helped me repairing my old home."

"How much?"

Shane mentions a number. It's lower than usual rent. He knows his old home won't be attractive with people with deep pockets.

"Deal. When could I move?"

"Tonight is fine. Err, you might need to clean it up first. I haven't done cleaning..."

"It's okay. At least I could sleep well."

"I got a used futon. You could use it for free."

"Thanks. You are a life savior."

Shane smiles. It's a win and win solution. He got a helper to finish the home repairs.

Jeff couldn't belive the shabby home when he first got there. Well, at least Shane gives him the newly painted bedroom in first floor.

It's decided that Jeff would work for Shane in the weekend. Helping him to finish the repairs.

Chad squints his eyes when he meets Shane's co-worker. Jeff is a Beta. It doesn't seem he is holding any affection for Shane. That's a relief.

In their bedroom, Chad asks, "Are you sure you want strangers into our home?"

"We got no choice. Tenants meant money for us. We got many empty bedrooms available. Jeff works all day long. He won't use too much electricity and water at home."

"Don't find troublesome tenants."

"I know. Don't worry. I won't sneak in beautiful Omegas into the house. Don't want my boyfriend get jealous."

Chad punches his shoulder weakly.

Shane chuckles. He holds his hand and kisses its back.

They end up wrestling in bed again.

Chad is cursing in his heart.

Shane has been working all day long like him. How come he still have stamina to play?


He hates become a frail Omega.

Poor Jeff downstairs couldn't sleep a wink.

Too much stereo from upstairs. Making him horny.

He swears to make his room soundproof.

No, that would be too expensive for him. Ear plugs would be cheaper and still useful.

Dark panda eyes in the morning.

Shane is surprised.

He asks, "Jeff, you can't sleep? Must be a new house problem."

"More like crotch problem," grumbles Jeff when he leaves for work.

Next stop, buying ear plugs.

Chad and Shane are young lovers. They might make scores every night.

Jeff is cursing his single life. He needs to find a lover a.s.a.p.

Chad feels Jeff is staring him weirdly. He shrugs it off and doesn't think about it anymore.


Chad is smiling when he leads a new tenant home. This guy is a Beta, a student in their Campus. At least this student looks more decent than Jeff.

The guy is a loner, a bookworm who hardly has any friend. He is very quiet. Sometimes you forget he exists. Unlike Jeff who looks scary with his bulky figures and rough face.

Chad is talking to Len, the new tenant. The guy pays three months rent in advance. Chad gives him a key.

Jeff has gone home early because of stomach ache. He only glances at Chad before he goes into his bedroom.

The next few weeks go peacefully.

Chad is at home when he hears a weird explosion coming from first floor.

Len is coughing when he leaves his bedroom.

Chad could see chemical instruments are scattered on a table.

He comments, "Don't make experiments at home. It's too dangerous."

Len suddenly chokes him.

He warns, "Don't tell anyone. If you still wanna live."

Jeff has come home because of stomach ache. His gastric ulcer acted up again.

He snorts. He knows Shane was blinded with love. Chad doesn't look like a good lover. Rich kid like him usually isn't faithful one.


He hooked up with another tenant when his boyfriend isn't at home.

Chad elbows Len and manages to free himself. He tries to flee from him.

Len pushes him down. He takes out a syringe and tries to inject drugs into his vein. To silence the eye witness.

Len is a junky and drug dealer. He often makes his own drugs.

Once Chad got addicted, this home would be another safe haven for him.

Chad struggles hard. He curses for his weak strength. Another reason to hate being an Omega.

"Help! Someone help me!"

No use. This place is a bit far from their neighbors. No one would hear him.

Len's collar got pulled from behind.

A hard punch from Jeff knocks him up.

Jeff rubs his bruised knuckle. He has thought this new tenant looks decent. Better than Chad. Never expected him to assault an Omega like Chad.

Chad's body is shivering when he rises back to his feet again.

"Thank you..."

"It's a good thing I haven't plugged my ears yet."

It has been his habit lately to plug his ears before sleeping. He is a light sleeper. A bit noise could wake him up.

Chad calls the police and the drug dealer got arrested. All the chemical instruments are taken away as evidences. A police line is placed to prevent entry.

Shane rushes home when he got a call from Jeff.

He immediately hugs his boyfriend.

Chad is weeping in his arms.

Shane inhales a deep breath. He almost lost him again. He vows to select the tenant more properly. Won't just accept anyone based on money.

Jeff goes back to his bedroom to lie down. His gastric ulcer acted up again.

The previous incident made him tempo forgot his pain.

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Dangerous to let stranger into our home for money. Shane and Chad learned the hard lesson. Can't judge a person based on appearances.

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