[Y+A] "Best friends? Screw that."

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Characters used: Yuriko Eivanor + Ace Johnson

Ace.. Was feeling something towards his best friend Yuri. She was a petite albino with lifeless eyes, almost like a dead fish-

"Who you dreaming of Bro?"

".. Go to hell Fox."

"Hey-! Mean!"


Ace's albino friend. The woman he kept dreaming of grabbed him by the ear.

"Hey! You promised we'd go on a picnic Ace!"

"A-Ah Yuri.."

The albino leaned in.

"You seem a bit flustered today. Did something happen to you Ace?"

Her voice ringing in the back of his mind at the thought of her saying his name.

What was it about her that he even liked? Was it her voice? Nah, it was whiny as heck...

Maybe it was her face? No, if he went for looks he'd be dating one of the Maids.

Ace was confused, after all he was just scraps of metal combined together to make a person, he didn't exactly understand what feelings were.

Then it hit him. He was in love with her, his own best friend and he had fell for her like a blind fool. She probably didn't even like him! Just wanted to use him for money.. Like her sugar daddies.

"Ah no.. I'm fine Yuri, I'll go get the basket from the kitchen and we can go alright?"

"Be quick silly!"

The robotic male chuckled and walked over to the kitchen to grab the basket along with his wallet.. He opened his wallet and smiled, it was an old picture from the start of high school. There was Yuri, Fox, The twins Kaya and Kai, then the Wyatts Ian and Sosuke then Midnight. These were his friends and brother, he's known them for years so it's nice to know they aren't fed up with the clump of metal yet.


"Oh!" He walked back into the living room.

"Ah Ace.. Where's Kai?~"

".. Piss off Sosuke." The robotic male glared.

"Aceeee! We need to goooo! I'm getting hungry!"

"Ah coming Yuri," He chuckles and puts the shorter girl on his shoulders giving her a piggy back as he walked out.


It was already sundown when they finished setting up.

Yuri plopped onto the blanket, rays of sunlight reflecting off of her skin from the creaks in between each tree.

Oh no, it was happening again...

Ace could feel his little robotic heart clattering louder and louder as each second went by.



Ace quickly sat down next to her, his face was redder than Kaya's Jojo bow.

"I'm fine, really!"

"I'll take your word for it then... I just get really worried about you sometimes, you know that?" Yuri blushed a bit before breaking eye contact.

Adorable would be over exaggerating but she was like a hairless rat tucking away into the corner with a block of cheese that she had just stolen, the cheese being Ace's heart...

"You shouldn't bother worrying about me, I'm a full grown man after all."

"Pfft, quit it the act! I know you're actually a big softie!"

Yuri giggled as she poured Ace a glass of orange juice.

"That's not it! I want you to see me as more of a man! I'm not a little kid Yuri..."

"I didn't say you were a kid Ace, that would make me a pedophile if I liked ki-"


They both turned their heads towards the direction where the noise came from.

"What was that?"

"E-eh? It was probably just an animal or something!" Yuri turned back around.

Ace shrugged. "What were you just about to say?"

"N-nothing! Just forget about it, okay?"

"Hm... actually, I have something to tell you..."

Ace stared into Yuri's shimmering eyes and she stared back into his at her "beautiful" reflection, according to her.

"Ugh, finally! You picked up!" A voice suddenly whispered from behind a tree.

"Guess what..."

"We found the fuckers!"

Ace smiled. "Yuri I love you,"

"That's why you've been acting so weird?!"


"Just shut it! I like you too.."

".." He smiled and went in for a kiss, then suddenly...

"ACE AND YURI SITTING IN A TREE K I S S I N G!" It was Ian, Kaya etc in a van

".. Damn it you guys."

"You guys are on a date?!" Kaya gasped.

".. Yes airhead..Can you guys go?"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do~ that doesn't leave much~" Sosuke smirked and laughed.

"Why her? She looks like a dead fish!" Kai snarled.

Ace sighed and kissed Yuri's cheek. "Guys.. Get lost. I'm serious. Go."

"No fun Ace!" Kaya Pouted.

"And you guys wonder why I've never told you I was dating someone.." Ace facepalmed and carried Yuri off the blanket and put everything away putting the stuff in the van and getting into it with Yuri, this was going to take a lot of explaining to their friends.. But it'd be worth it to date his best friend.

"God kill me.." Ace thought.

''Sure!'' Ian says, as he rams his foot into the pedal and accelerates into Yuri and Ace, as they scream. The van rams into them, as they turn into big splatters of meat.

"Best friends? No. Dead Friends.'' =Oneshot end=

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