Kit and Ty First Kiss <3

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Kit doesnt know why Julian wont let him near Ty.Okay yes he did seem like a total ass hole on the outside, but he wouldnt ever hurt the other boy.Julian has kept him locked up in his bedroom for at least 4days, he have him his food and water every day but would not let Kit out of his room, but one day was different.......

"Psstttt Christopher, you awake" Kit heard someone whisper, he knew immediatly who it was.No one else called him by his real name, they all called him Kit.He went over and tried to open the door but no use, and Julian had taken his stele off him.

"Yeah im awake Ty-Ty" kit responded with.He imediatly heard Ty's sharp intake of his breath when he said Ty-Ty.

"Kit are you okay?" Ty's voice cracked on the last word.Was the other boy crying?? Kit felt as if his heart has been ripped out of his chest.Next thing he realized Ty had opened the door and through himself onto kit, wrapping his arms tight around his neck.Kits arms tentavitly went around Ty's back, being very careful not to spook him.

"Ty, Ty yo-you know your not-not ment to be in here, Ju-Jul-Julian wil-"Kit tried to speak but he was shaking too much.

"Shushhh shushh its okay Kit, i had a word with Jules.Its okay, i promise nobody will hurt you ever again.I couldnt stand you not being with me, I got really mad at jules for locking you in your room, and i screamed at him for at least 2hours before he gave in.Im so sorry i didnt get here quicker, Julian was just worried that you would hurt me by being my friend.But i know my watson wouldnt ever do that" Ty spoke so fast it was hard to keep up.Kits heart leaped in his chest when ty said his watson.

Yes, Kit was his watson and Kit would do anything in the world for that to stay the same.While he was lost in thought out of nowhere Ty leaned up and kissed Kit on the lips.It was a short kiss, but it sent butterflys into his stomach.

"I-I im sorry" Ty started...

"No no no its okay Ty-Ty, seriously, umm do you like me ?"Kit tried, he wasnt sure if Ty knew about relationships.

"Of course i like you your my best friend" said a very offended Ty.

"No Ty i mean do you like like me.... like how Helen and Aline like each other, or Magnus and Alec.Do you like me like that or..?"

"Ohh ya, why would i kiss you if i didnt Watson?"Ty said smirking.

"Just making sure Sherlock, just making sure" Siad a smiling Kit

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