The Cement Room

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I was so shocked that I had been caught, I couldn't speak. My Speed was asking me questions and I was unable to answer, the questions were barely registering. He shook me trying to get me to snap out of it, my vision started to go fuzzy and I collapsed as everything went dark (Btw I faint when I get overly stressed).
I heard voices around me and felt a cold rag on my face. I kept my eyes shut, unsure of my surroundings. I listened to the voices and heard two men speaking a few feet away. They were using hushed tones so I was unable to understand what they were saying. The cold rag was taken off my face and I heard a womans gentle voice asking the men to try and figure out who she was instead of arguing over a useless thing. I heard Mr Speeds voice, he apologized to the woman calling her Tani. Their voices faded and the cold rag was placed back on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a young woman leaning over me. She had curly brown hair and brown eyes. Tani smiled as my eyes opened, "we didn't think you would ever wake up" she said.  She helped me sit up on the couch I was laying on, as I took in my surroundings. I was in a office with a large desk, a flag was in the corner, and the walls were made of windows where I could see more offices and a large glass table and screen. The rest of the team were standing around the glass table and seemed to be discussing something serious.
I looked at Tani and asked where I was. She told me I was in the Five o headquarters in Commander Steve Mcgarretts office. I realized that must be Mr Speed. "Why I was brought here?" I asked. "The backpack you had been carrying had a bomb in it, we had gotten an anonymous tip telling us about a bomb and that it would be in a black backpack on the corner of Kalaimoku st. and Ala Wai Blvd." She explained.
I started to explain my side of the story when Commander Mcgarrett walked in. He crossed his arms and told Tani to go help the others with the case. I gave her a desperate look as she walked out and then dropped my eyes avoiding looking him in the face. For a few minutes he just stood in silence then moved a chair to sit in front of me. He folded his hands together and sighed. I managed to pull my eyes off the floor to glance up at him and he started to speak. He explained to me that they figured out who I was, that I most likely wasn't the bomber they were looking for, and that flight records had shown that I had just arrived in Hawaii an hour before the incident. I kept his eye contact and nodded, but couldn't get words out of my mouth. He then told me that an amber alert had been issued in New York for my disappearance. I looked at him shocked, I hadn't expected my stepfather to even do anything about my disappearance and just continue on with his life.
"You seem surprised by that," he said. I nodded, "who put out the amber alert?" I asked. He told me a man named John Farrell (my stepfather) had it issued about an hour ago. "What are you doing here in Hawaii, and traveling alone I presume?" "That's my business," I answered sharply not wanting to go into detail. He narrowed his eyes at me, "well it's my business now since you were so eager to run away from us even though you weren't in trouble." He replied with an edge to his tone. The nice guy sitting in front of me was gone. I clenched my jaw and stayed silent, refusing to say another word. This seemed to upset him more, he grabbed my arm, lifted me off the couch, and dragged me out by the glass table. "Junior, take her to one of the cells and leave her there. Apparently she isn't willing to speak to me so maybe some time cuffed to a chair will encourage her to speak." He handed me over to a man who was a bit shorter and younger with brown hair, he said yes sir and led me to an elevator where we went down many levels under the building. The hallway had cement walls and there were several metal doors leading to different rooms. He led me to one and opened the door. It was a small, dark, square cement room with a single metal chair in the middle. Junior sat me in it and cuffed my hands to either side of the chair legs. Then he walked out and I heard the door lock with a loud click.
There I was left to my own thoughts and started to think over the last few hours and events that had just taken place. I knew that at some point Commander Mcgarrett was going to call my stepfather, if he had already, and inform him that I was in Hawaii. I couldn't let that happen. No matter what, I had to figure out a way to get out of here. Normally when I had a run in with the police and didn't say a word they had nothing to hold me on and would release me. This was different, it didn't work with this guy and I started to realize that the only way out of here would be to cooperate. Hopefully it wasn't to late. I have to find my father or else I would be stuck with my evil stepfather until I was 18. Two more years of abuse, I shivered at the thought. I shook the cuffs testing out how strong they were. I had gotten out of cuffs before, but where I was cuffed right now even if I could get them off there was no way I was getting out of this room. After trying to get the cuffs off for a few minutes my wrists started to get sore. I finally sighed and sat back in the chair, left too wait in the cold, silent, dark room.

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