on the train

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The train ride was normal everyone said with their houses. Halfway through the ride the friends would go off with friends from different houses and yet Slytherin and Gryffindor never moved. All they did was glare at each other, there had been house rivalries with them since first year this is fourth year now.
Mr Malfoy was the first one to move he got up and went over to the trolley.

"One chocolate frog please'

The trolley woman took his money and handed him the frog. She smiled at him that wasn't something he was used to but he turned around walked over to the gryffindor and handed the chocolate frog  to Hermione Granger.

Everyone gasped watching him. There were whispers quiet whispers talking about him but he seemed oblivious to it because he didn't say anything to her he just handed it to her

She mumbled it thank you and smiled he didn't react at first but when he turned around there was a little happiness in his step.

That was the start he thought she smiled at me.

He then sat down on an empty cabin car he didn't mind being alone he just didn't want to be around anywhere else. He was hoping that she would come sit with him it was okay if she didn't but he was hoping.

She didn't come though and that's okay he didn't expect her to forgive him that quick.

When they arrived at Hogwarts everyone got off the train ravenclaws first Hufflepuff second gryffindors then slytherins. Draco Malfoy was the last one to get off the train before him though was Hermione Granger
While walking she slowed down and Ron and Harry walked up further
She handed him a note and then went to meet them

He sat down at this other end table at the very end next to no one and open the note

"Thanks for the chocolate frog.  I saw you staying by yourself but it didn't feel right to come sit with you because of our past thanks though


Draco looks down at the note and even though it wasn't what he thought it would say he was happy she noticed him.

What's that he said the note in his back pocket and everyone started listening to Dumbledore for the years introduction. They both looked at each other once and looked down

I don't know about you but even the house ghosts could see something was different this year they just didn't know what

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