Our actual home.

The music that plays while we take another step forward, yes, just a few more until we reach our peace; our home. The harmony that we already feel playing inside our heart is too precious to let go so easily. But... did he have a place to call home? Does he? Only he knows, and only he can tell.


“Laugh all you want! I just, I just want you to know I'm never coming back ever again! And... and you will never suffer anymore. Not because of me, at least. I was the reason, the only reason you suffered, right? Yes, yes; I know. But don't worry, you won't anymore.”

“D-don't disappear like that! You have to come back! Y-you can't leave me in the darkness like this! You ungrateful Brat!” She sobbed while knowing all too clearly that he won't come back, never again; not after realizing how much he has given her, but he knew that he only gave her trouble.

"And don't forget to drink water. Alcohol is the last thing you would want to keep on pushing down your throat after you realize how harmful it is for you. A-and I love you, Ma." He was crying, yes. But maybe this is the first time he tried hiding from his Ma, from the only person, the only source he had left in this world to call—

She sobbed uncontrollably after hearing those simple words coming from her son's mouth. Yes, her only family, as well. How truly implacable.

He left. Yes, he left. Just like that. Leaving her in the eclipse.

“How could you! How could you just leave like... that!”

How could... he?

"You are really a loser! You weren't my reason for suffering! You... you were the reason I had to suffer! You f-fool! How could I have fed you if I hadn't suffered! How could you now say all that bull to my face, huh? You are so d-dumb, so ungrateful!" She continued ranting and weeping mercilessly. Why wouldn't she? She just lost her source of life.

"Why do you all ungrateful people keep leaving me! Huh? Did I not suffer enough, already? Even you..., this is what's fate, huh? God. How pathetic you are, and you are making me feel even more pathetic now!"

Really, why did everyone leave each other when they could have stayed? When they had the chance to stay?

Maybe they didn't have the power to stay. Or probably leaving before seeing your loved ones leave in front of you was a far better choice.

........ ____________________________________ .......

After a year:


“Bro, look at him. He thinks he is all that, doesn't he?” Karmilla points at the 'Boy who thinks he's all that' in front of her. And Sheryl laughs along with the group of teens. Karmilla had her eyes on Hanne for a long time now. But the problem? The bone in between them? It is very explicitly the one and only—'*Boy who thinks he's all that*'. No, he didn't cause any damage in their relationship or any such thing. It's Hanne who had her eyes--on him. So of course, Karmilla had a not-so-good thing going on with him for a while now.

Despite him not doing anything to provoke Karmilla, she always gets upset and sort of mad whenever he is around her group of friends. And without him approaching Hanne or even looking her way, Karmilla thinks he's looking her crush's way.

It's not that good of a story to tell but it's been going on for quite a while now. As the party was just starting, Karmilla and her friends were starting to decide on which movie to watch tomorrow night as it was Friday that night.

"What do y'all think 'bout Titanic?" Janette asked as a kind of hope raised in her face and fell as quickly as well as her friends couldn't stop laughing like she made the nerdiest joke.

"Wait, wait! You want to watch a 90's movie when we are literally dealing with this invisible but murderous virus? Don't joke, Jane!" Melinda laughed waving her hand at her own face. As if she was fanning herself.

"Why? What's so wrong with that? We can sure watch it sometime else! Uh and don't you guys think Corona is like the 'Serial Killer' of 2020? I haven't really heard of any other Serial Killer other than this virus this year!" Hanne exclaimed and Karmilla knew that she did it just to lighten the mood. Hanne was so different from almost all the girls in their class. She was like the angel and Karmilla tried her hardest to be less evil day by day, only to make Hanne her own angel.

“Hein, what do you want? We can't decide right away so let's hear everybody's individual choices and then come to decide on the majority or the one that's the most appealing to everyone?” Karmilla stated more in an 'I know this is the greatest thing to do' way than 'asking a real question' way.

Hanne replied all excitedly, “Bad Boys For Life?” And everyone clapped their hands instantly meaning that they already agreed on this movie in their head, they just didn't find enough time from their business-less days or enough willpower to reduce the amount of laziness to go around and experiment on some other movies. Exactly what happens when cliché becomes the new-favorite.

Melinda without missing a beat added, “But the real bad boy for life is already in front of us, girls. You can stare at him all night without needing to pay for the tickets and extra delicious popcorn, nuh?" Hanne had this really shy-shy smile on her face as Karmilla clenched her knuckles knowing exactly whom they were indicating to. She have had just enough for the restless night when Hanne whispered in her ear, “What do you think, K? He's too cute, eek!”

“Wow, I'm actually surprised that you think so. Though I think that Toy Story's villains were cuter than him. Not some random 'bad boy for life' can be called out as cute out of nowhere, after all.”

End of Episode 1.

...How can he win his old-self again?
How can she embrace that loser with anything but hate?…

‹Word count: 1650 words.
‹Written on: January 5th, 2021
‹Dedicated to: Kaizer Maxwell (A Facebook friend of mine. The idea of this book was basically from him.)

Thank you, angels.

God bless 🖤

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