Chapter 14

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     " I had a good time tonight." Sid commented as we walked to the door.I nodded in acknowledgement. I didn't feel  like talking. My attitude wasn't fair. Sid didn't deserve my indifference. He was a good guy, but at the moment I was numb. I knew soon that the reality of it all would come crashing down on me and I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears, but right now I was in too much shock to do anything. Not only at Wes's betrayal, though that was the majority of it-if you could even call it betrayal, it's not as if we were really anything to each other. I just thought maybe he actually cared, as you were suppose to care about your imprint, the way Jacob cared about Renesmee-, but also at the fire I had felt. Could it be that my powers were starting to mature?

 " I know something happened between you and that guy and I just wanted you to know he doesn't deserve you." Sid told me as we stopped at my porch, looking into my eyes so intently I was sure he could see right through me. Then,unexpectedly, he started to lean in. Oh no! Was he going in for a kiss? I wasn't ready for that. Surely he wouldn't expect that? My thoughts were soon settled as I felt his soft lips gently touch my cheeks, leaving a tingling sensation that wasn't completely unenjoyable.

" Good night." He whispered and turned to walk away without a second glance.

 I stood there for a second just staring as he sped away before walking inside. The men of the house were all siting in the living room, awaiting my return no doubt.

  " How was your date?" My dad asked everybody staring at me.

 " It was fine." I answered y voice emotionless, my mind purposely blank. He seemed as if he was about to ask another question so I rushed up the stairs and threw myself on my bed not even bothering to change into my pjs.  My door was opened seconds later.

  " What's wrong?" My Dad asked sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked concerned, and I felt bad for making him worry. He just wanted what was best for me, I told myself, even if we seemed to have two very diffrent views on what exactly that was.

 " I'm fine dad, promise." I reassured him trying to convince myself as much as I was trying to convince him.

 "Okay. I love you."

" Love you too." He patted my leg and walked out of the room shutting the door softly.

Then the tears came. They poured down my face,I was drowning and there was no life raft to save me.

     The next day I went to talk to Carlisle about the weird feeling I in my fingertips I had felt last night.

 " Carlise? Can I talk to you?"  Everyone else had went hunting. Carlise had paperwork to fill out and I hated hunting. It was the perfect timing for this conversation.

 " What about?" He asked turning around to face me dropping his paperwork on the desk without a second glance.

" Something strange happened last night." I started feeling at a loss for how exactly to explain it.

 " Strange how?" He inquired.

" Well there was a moment when I was really angry ..."

" May I inquire as to what made you angry?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask that....

 " I'd rather not say."

"If you wish. Go on."

" So anyway this may sound crazy,but I think I might have almost had fire. I felt it, but then it just went away."

" So do you think anger is a trigger for fire?" He asked seeming more intrigued than ever before.

" That's what I came to ask you."

" Well I had assumed that would be the case early on. All your other elements were triggered by an emotion. You've always been practical and serious which is why I believe you've always known earth. Air is for calmness and serenity which didn't take you long to obtain because you were a pretty peaceful child. Water took longer than the rest because you had never been really emotional.I remember the first time you used water was after we left Forks and you didn't want to leave Charlie." He explained to me gently.

 " Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I questioned. Maybe I could have worked on it.

" Well, to put it quite plainly I never thought you were going to have control over fire. You've never been forceful or angry. You've always been quiet and shy. Whoever got that kind of reaction out of you must be a special person indeed."

  Special my butt.

   " Who's a special person?" A sweet voice asked. A voice that seemed a little too familiar.

 " I see you let yourself in Macy. I have theinformation you requested right here."

 I turned around to see the gorgeous blonde that had been wrapped around wes's arm last nighte know . What was she doing here? And How did she know Carlisle?

"  oh how rude of me. Macy this is my granddaughter Masen, Masen this is Macy. She's a wolf from the reservation who's working to get us new passports and things of the such."

 She smiled at me and shook my hand as if she had never seen me before in her life.

 " It's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." The glint in her eye made me believe Carlisle wasn't the one who had told her these things. Wes had talked to her about me and I was pretty sure he hadn't said good things.


AUTHORS NOTE: Well hello lovely readers. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so please comment and if you liked it maybe rape that vote is pretty sexy. Lol jk. Anyway i'd like to dedicate this chapter to igoinonedirection because she always leaves comments that make me laugh. See ya later home skillets- love Gabby

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