Hickeys Are A Pain (Atsukage 1)

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Summary: Atsumu and Tobio have known each other ever since Tobio was five and have been going out since Tobio was 14. During the Youth Camp they get a little frisky and the next day Tobio ends up paying the price when he goes back home. OR Atsumu is a cheeky asshole and Tobio suffers during a practice match with Nekoma. At least Suga approves of Atsumu when he meets him. That's a good thing right?

Tobio and Atsumu have known each other ever since they were 5.

Tobio's grandfather had introduced him to the Miya twins at a young age and ever since then, the trio had been exceptionally close. Atsumu and Tobio more so. So it wasn't really a shock when the two had announced that they were dating at the start of Tobio's first year in high school.

Atsumu had been a very vital part of Tobio's life. Him, with his Brother Osamu, had managed to help him slightly get over what happened at middle school and move on. In the process his and Atsumu feelings had grown into a real relationship.

When he had been announced to go to the All-Japan Youth Training Center he had been pleased of course, but slightly disappointed knowing he wouldn't be able to talk to his boyfriend much. Imagine his surprise when he finds out that Atsumu was also going.

Those two had managed to keep their relationship a secret, despite many close calls.

However, due to what Atsumu classifies as an unfulfilling week with his boyfriend, Atsumu had managed to get his roommate to swap places with Tobio on the last day.

The two had gotten a little frisky and due to Kageyama not getting any action in God knows how long, he had been more compliant than usual and had allowed himself to be marked up. The next day he ended up paying the price.

And now, the next day, the morning he was back at Miyagi and back in the gym he was just standing in front of his mirror trying not to a) break down or b) call Atsumu and tell him that his team had better have a backup setter and that his brother didn't mind being an only child.

"Okay calm down. Not all is going to go to hell." Tobio said reassuringly to himself before flopping back on his bed knowing that he was well and truly fucked if he was talking to himself.

And then, an actually smart idea that surprised even himself, he remembered that his sister had visited out of the blue a couple of weeks back to visit him. It had been one of those rare visits that she only did when she knew that he would never be expecting her. Kinda cruel but right now wasn't the time to dismantle his childhood trauma.

She had left a couple of makeup products and he thanks the lord that both he and her had the same milky completion.

He rushed into her room, ignoring the stay out signal and made his way to her makeup drawer. Sure enough there were open makeup products but Kageyama just looked for the foundation.

He had often used it as a child to hide the bruises when he over exhausted himself playing volleyball and ended up getting hurt. Those times had happened too often that she had brought him his own. It hadn't lasted long and it wasn't due to Tobio wasting it no matter what his sister said, it was just that he enjoyed playing volleyball.

He quickly grabbed a new sponge, uncaring about how pricey the items were and squeezed a healthy dalob on his hand before using the sponge and badding that into it.

He quickly brought the sponge to his neck and got to work on the various hickeys on his neck.

When he finally finished he looked back on the mirror and was grateful at how well the bruises were covered. Now, the only way you can tell that he had applied foundation was when you were close to his neck and even then it was faint.

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