part 1 - the contract

Start from the beginning

he learned of a shortcut there by alley, so he just decided to go through there in order to arrive faster.

"oi cutie, care to play with us~"

accelerator stopped dead in his tracks before looking back towards the owner of that voice.

two cliche-looking thugs stood there with their arms crossed, grinning like dumbasses while looking at him.

"eh? girl....boy...which one are you anyway?" one of the thugs said while growing confused.

it seems they though he was a girl due to his androgynous appearance.

"....what the hell makes you think I'm a girl?" the esper asks, he was immuring a calm sort of calm anger, like the calm before a storm, and it was giving the thugs goosebumps.

"eh..? well, i mean, your hair is kinda long..." the thug once again said.

accelerator:    ರ_ರ

thugs:      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"right or left?" accelerator asked them a simple question.

"huh?" the thugs looked confused at the esper's question.

"oh....ooohhh, hahahaha! i see! so you're into that kind of play, huh?" the thugs say while walking closer and laughing to themselves.

"right hand..."

he took a step forward

"or left hand..."

he took another step

"OR BOTH?!!!"


screams reverberated throughout the alley that was now dyed red with blood...

 a few minutes later, accelerator walked out of it without a speck on him. his reflection not having allowed a single drop of blood to touch him.

"tch, I don't even have time to get coffee now. fucking waste of time!" accelerator decided to give up on his coffee for now and made his way towards the temple.

unfortunately... accelerator failed to notice a third guy who had witnessing the atrocity that just occurred, and was trembling out of fear.

this guy was the former leader of the six arms as well as a member of eight fingers, zero.

he was originally believed to have been killed by sebas, but by some miraculous force, he barely managed to survive and use up every healing potion he had, the attack had caused extreme internal bleeding to the head as well as a fractured skull, but the healing potion managed to at least help with the bleeding. he will never be able to fight again.

and so, he ran away to the slane theocracy and joined a new criminal gang there, those guys were two of his accomplices.

"damn it, another one of those monsters, is he with that old bastard? thankfully, he doesn't seem to have noticed me, i need to make sure to stay clear of him..."


having arrived there, accelerator stood in front of the giant doors that leads inside the temple.

since its supposedly a place of god, they don't have guards guarding it, and instead rely on trap and sensor magic.

eventually a lady dressed like a nun came out and greeted the white-haired esper.

"may i help you?" she says with a pure and bright smile.

so bright, it made accelerator want to shield his eyes. 

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