But before I could get down from the bed , an ice cold hand held my hand ..

"It's ok.. you are safe.. don't worry.. I'm here.." I whispered softly patting her head.. I wanted to call someone but at the same time I don't want to leave her alone..

"Everything is burning.. it's fire all around.." she was mumbling..

Fire..?? not even the lamps were lighted .. only the moon was providing light.. or is it some intuition..?? some people had that ability like the Pandava prince Sahadev..

"He is coming near me.. he will burn me.." she continued her rant .., she was sweating profusely..

"But he can't harm you .., no one can.." I chanted in her ears.. I don't know why.. but that's the first thing that came to my mind.. For a minute she calmed down but before I think it's over.., her hands gripped on the sheets.. and she was shaking her head. Suddenly she opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings and her eyes fixed on my panicked face..

I quickly got her water from the jar placed on the bedside table and she drank it..

"I saw the same dream again.." she started.. 'again' which means this isn't the first time and Banu might have been aware of this..

"There was fire everywhere.. I was feeling really hot but not burning.. I was afraid at the same time had a feeling of safety and security.., a kind of familiar feeling like I'm accustomed to it.. and then he came near me and said in my ear that 'the time is coming near..' does that mean .., he's coming.. but who's he ?? I don't even know him.. is he coming to take me..?? " tears were rolling down her eyes and her cheeks and nose had turned red..

Next day

A typical big fat Indian wedding..

That's what describe this best.. I was in the middle of a palace filled with hustle and bustle..

The number of weddings that I have attended is very less and most of my knowledge about the big fat Indian weddings come from movies.. all those evergreen sangeet songs and scenes were playing in my mind..

The extravagant settings and people made me nervous initially but I have started to blend in.. being an extrovert from birth had helped me ..

Day starts here early and the guests have started to arrive since.. Names of Kings , queens , princes , princesses , nobles , rich merchants and diplomats filled the long guest list..

Every guest had their personal servants to carry the big platters filled with the gifts for the bride.. Among the visitors were some people whose arrival I have been anticipating for..

My parents , the king and queen of Kalinga were the foremost.. I have never met them but have a picture that I got by reading the book.. Then comes the famous characters of the great epic.. I don't know how many of them I'll meet today but I was preparing myself for it..

The royal family of Kashi was busy welcoming the guests and supervising the preparations.., the guests , dressed in dazzling silks and ornaments were busy wishing , talking and involving with each other, the servants were busy carrying out orders and the vigilant guards were busy with the security duties .. everyone had something in their mind or hand ...

And me..?? I'm busy helping Supriya di to get ready.., today I had woke up early.. if I say 'wake up' , then it'll be a lie as I didn't sleep yesterday..

The room was filled with ladies, talking , giggling and teasing..

It's going to be a busy day as today the wedding ceremonies will commence officially...

There is the Ganapathi puja , Roka and the Brahmin Sadhya and Annadhan..

There are entertainment programs scheduled for evening.. Today the groom's family will visit the bride's place with gifts for her.., it'll be the last time , the females of his family except his sister will meet the bride before she come to their home with him..

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