Chapter One 'The Hospital'

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        It’s two o'clock and the afternoon sun is peeking in through my boring, white curtains. If this room lacks anything but a working air conditioner it’s color. The walls are white, the sheets and pillowcase are white and even my jumper is white. The nurses and doctors say it’s put in place so as not hinder our recovery process, but I think it’s too dull our imaginations and really make us go crazy. It’s like it’s snowy all the time except we live in Arizona and it’s seventy degrees most of the year.

        Today’s date is SundayJanuary5, 2014 I’ve been here 49 days. Seems like a lifetime but my best friend and roommate Bailey has been trapped here for nine months, almost a year. We’re both here for the same reason. Childhood schizophrenia, at least that’s what the know it all doctors say. Only I think we’re just unique not sick like everyone thinks.

        I’m alone in the room today because Bailey is having her weekly session with Dr. Kingsley. He’s the entire ward’s doctor, of course there’s only six patients; he’s also the one that decides which course of therapy you get and ultimately when and if you get to go home. I’m on pill therapy only I’ve made it my personal mission not to comply. They make my second sight go away, they make me normal, at least for a little while.

“ Laurel?” My name spoken aloud made me flash back to my old house.

“What’s your name?”

“Laurel!” I shouted happy to be getting attention from my Mother.

“What’s my name?”


“What’s Father’s name?”


“Do you see the connection?” My Mother was forever asking me if I saw the connection between things. When I was five I didn’t realize what she meant by that.

“What?” I remember asking confused.

“Flowers. We’re a family of flowers.” The image of of my Mother and Father in petal headdresses came to mind. I saw myself poking out of the soiled ground, all new with pretty mountain laurel petals.

“ Miss Laurel?” The voice rang out again, pulling me from my mind’s grip.

“What?” I jumped around and smiled when I saw the fairies playfully tugging on the nurses apron. This nurse was new, you could tell by the way she spoke so politely and she always tried to reason with her patients. Her name tag read,


“Your Parents are here to see you for your appointment with Dr. Kingsley.”

“Do you know any Rabbits?” I asked, the words seemed to spill out of my mouth without my consent. I wanted to ask why they were here so early it was only seven o’ clock, but my mouth couldn’t seem to form the words.

“Come along dear.” She smiled sweetly and walked away. The fairies had flown away leaving her apron shimmering in their shiny dust. I twirled and swirled behind her down the equally white hall, pretending I was flying. I got strange looks from Logan and Alex. The only two boys in the ward. Logan has Munchausen Syndrome or in english he likes to fake being sick for attention. Alex is OCD, he likes order and perfection more than food and sleep. I passed Leah going down the hall too, she smiled and began to copy my rhythm. Leah has Borderline Personality Disorder which means she would rather be anyone but who she is.

“Go on in dear, your parents and the doctor are waiting.” The nurse smiled again and ushered me in, I guess she didn’t see the sleeping dragon in the doorway. I tiptoed over and around him gently so not to wake him. My Mother began to cry head in hands. My Dad shook his head and sighed. Dr. Kinsley seemed to be taking my recent ‘relapse’ the best.

Laurel LockwoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang