Chapter 1

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fanfic by: Sora Vasconcelos

Once upon a time, in a very distant land, there was a small kingdom, prosperous, peaceful, and rich in romance and tradition and there, in that kingdom was a small home where a widowed man lived with his little son called Reki.

Although he was a kind and caring father, he gave his son all kinds of luxuries and comforts, but he felt that his son lacked the affection of a mother figure. And with that idea in mind, he got married again.

The man chose a person from a good family, that person was called Hiromi Higa, better known as Shadow. Shadow, like Reki's father, was a widowed father with two children, they were named Cherry, the older brother, and Miya, the younger brother.

But sadly, Reki's father fell ill and died, leaving his son in Shadow's care. And with the sudden death of Reki's father, Shadow showed his true feelings. He was cruel and calculating, jealous of Reki's beauty. Despite Reki's sadness for losing his father he always remained beautiful.

But Shadow was not going to rest as long as he had not accomplished what he had planned for the future of his two sons, what was that they could marry a prince one day.

And so the years passed, all the fortune that Reki's father had left was spent on the whims of Reki's two stepbrothers. Meanwhile Reki, humiliated and mistreated, ended up being the servant of his own house. Reki was the one who did the hard work around the house and cleaned the fireplace every day so his clothes were always dirty or stained with ash, that's why his stepfather, Shadow, and his two stepbrothers nicknamed him CindeReki.

Luckily Shadow didn't stop him from doing what he liked to do the most in that world, skateboarding. When he was little he was only interested in skateboarding, with his father or doing it alone. He always knew everything about the subject of skateboarding and he felt alive when he got on the skateboard that his father made for him before he died. He was very grateful to Shadow for not destroying it or forbidding him from this, because without skateboarding he couldn't bear the hell he was living.

Despite everything that CindeReki was going through, he was still a kind and loving boy, because with the arrival of a new day a new hope was reborn in him, that all his beautiful dreams of meeting a handsome prince and save him from his miserable life, will come true.

The day had begun, with CindeReki waking up to the rays of light streaming into his room. He woke up at 5 in the morning and he always had a backache because his bed is really uncomfortable. He stretched out with a smile and the reason was the dream he had.

—Why did I have to wake up at that moment? Just when the dream was getting better— CindeReki complains as he changes his pajamas into his daily clothes.

Recently, CindeReki was dreaming about a boy, he doesn't know how he looks like because he could never see his face, but he knows that he was a very kind boy. Every time he dreamed with him, he treated him really nice, comprehended him, felt safe around him, and they had similar hobbies. The only thing he didn't like about his dream was when had to wake up, because everytime when he was close to discovering his face was when he opened his eyes and stopped dreaming. He really wanted to know who he was and he hoped to meet him one day.

—Reki, stop thinking about silly and childish dreams, you have to come back to real life— he told himself and CindeReki was already dressed as he always did.

His outfit was a bit simple, a dark blue headband, a yellow sweater with a blue gear design in the middle, with a red monster smiling, dark baggy pants, blue shoes, and on top of that. she put on a white apron so as not to soil the only good clothes she had.

CindeReki (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora